Painkiller Bridge Creator: smm2010 Track Name: Painkiller Bridge Map Name: Forge World Gametype Supported: Race Description: Painkiller Bridge is a remake of one of my Halo 3 racetracks called Painkiller. This remake features many more things than the regular version from Halo 3, such as more banked turns and a hell of a lot more scenery. The bridge is upheld by support towers to ensure it won't fall into the water, but be aware that there are two broken parts of the bridge, both of which take skill and a lot of speed to take. You mess you here and you're gone. Pictures: Start Area Downhill Rolling Hill First Banked Turn Second Banked Turn Window Tunnel Third Banked Turn Straightway Before the First Jump First Jump. Be sure to get a lot of speed or you won't make it. Area of 180 Banked Turns Final Jump. Make sure you have loads of speed or else you'll fall short of the vehicle teleporters and die. Receiver Node that takes you back to the beginning and gives you a smooth landing after the jump Side View Overview Overview Sure the map looks cheatable, but if you play it with the Race gametype it is completely cheatproof. What inspired your creation? I wanted to make a remake of my original Painkiller track from Halo 3 with a lot more aesthetics and banked turns, and I had a huge success in doing so. How long did it take you to build this track? Took me about 15 hours in a 4-day timeframe. What aspect of the track took you the longest to make? Definitely the final jump. I wanted to make it where you had to have skill and a lot of speed to execute the final jump. I had to tweak the receiver node about 5 times to ensure a smooth landing afterwards. However there is a very slight possibility you'll flip your mongoose on the landing, which is rare to happen. Download Here
replace the 8 sender teles with one with the area of effect larger, so that it looks better, and so that if you do hit the jump perfect, you don't accidentally fall through the middle of them. otherwise, this map looks great, and is probably a ton of fun.
I've already tried that; just using one teleporter will not work with multiple racers. Using the eight teleporters that I put down is more efficient, since I increased the height width and length of each one so you don't fall in between them.
I really love this map. I downloaded it and a few buddies and I raced on it. It is smooth and very aesthetically pleasing. You need to fix one thing though. All 5 of us ran right off the edge in the second banked turn. I flew right off the edge and onto a later part of the track. I was very confused as it seemed like a difficult jump to make. After we figured out that the turn was a long banked left. Put some walls up there so people know it is a banked turn. Other than that, this map is fantastic. I don't rate on numbers but the flow is excellent (aside from the one turn). The aesthetics are great making it look like a roller coaster. The track itself is smooth. I would knock it on the complexity though. Your turns are not at all complex. They are not super elevated (constant turn banking), they are just quarter pipe like turns. Make easy forging and excellent flow though so I wouldn't knock it much. In my top 5 race maps so far.