(Just posted this on Bnet but I'm not liking my chances of getting a proper response, so I figure why not ask a more competent bunch?) Hi everyone, I have a quick question regarding forge- I've designed an arena and so far it's going well, but I've got a slight problem with a kill ball. I've set it to spawn above a man cannon so it gets thrown back and forth across the map, but when I end a round or it gets knocked slightly off course by let's say a person jumping into another man cannon and hitting it, it falls to the ground and stops in the middle of the map. Is there a way to get it to reset where it originally spawned and begin it's routine all over again? Or have I hit a brick wall and it's unfixable. I've messed around with it's respawn timer, but I've got a feeling that'll only work if it's actually thrown out of the arena. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance. tl;dr: I can't get the kill ball moving again, is there a way to respawn it at it's original spawn point?
I'm wondering about this too because I was planning to do a similar thing with multiple hallways where some hallways have the killball flying back and forth as a crossing hazard, propelled by the vehicle grav lifts.
I tried all the gravlifts last night and if they're really long walkways you might even be better off using the gravlift, heavy on a horizontal angle. They propel objects (like killballs ;p) further than the vehicle lifts.
Hmmmmmm. I'm not sure why you are having a problem. I was playing with having a kill ball drop down and roll through the cave in ForgeWorld. I set the timer to 1 second and it seems to make it's trip, get to the end and only respawn after it's stopped moving. Perhaps it appears to not be working because it hasn't stopped moving? Slightly unrelated, I didn't have any luck getting a kill ball to work with a man cannon. I figured it just didn't work, but was I just doing somethign wrong? Does it need to line up with the centre to work? Thanks
To make a killball a "Free-Fall" Object: Select the item, set it's item properties to "FIXED". Place the item in the desired location and deselect it. (so when you move it doesn't follow you) Hover over the item with your cursor. (Icon goes green) Press X (or equivalent menu button) and bring up the item properties WITHOUT SELECTING THE OBJECT Set object properties to "NORMAL". Save and start a new round. Depending on how you set the item's other properties depend on how it will now function, if it's respawn rate is 10, after it idles in the middle it will restart 10s after disappearing etc... Enjoy
Thanks Stevo, I'll give that a shot. My four year old and I spent a few hours earlier playing around in forge with one way shield doors and man cannons and found you can launch someone pretty far and the one way shield door will break their fall with zero damage - it acts almost like a trampoline. We haven't tested falling yet, but I will do that too. Also, if you set up four man cannons a little ways apart all aiming inwards you can suspend someone, trapped, in the air if they go into one of them. I wonder if you set them up higher, if you launched someone up between them from below using a grav lift if it might do something similar? Not that you'd want people to be trapped, that would probably suck, but it might be a useful mechanic for something. We set up the big one way shield door at a 45 degree angle with the orange side up on either side of the "hangar" type area in Forge World with heavy man cannon's under them and were able to bounce back and forth across the map almost continuously with zero falling damage.
Thanks Stevo, That worked perfectly exactly how I wanted it to act. Now that I've got that working I can continue on the rest of the map. I really appreciate the help. Sincerely, BroGaw