LAN party had 5v5, it was legit...people especially loved the Pelican and rock parts! I honestly didn't have any problems with the weapons/vehicles set. Anyone who's played Boneyard knows the weapon set in the final tier is ludicrously powerful (tank, wraith, banshee, ghosts, warthogs, spawning with swords/shotties), but it still works really well. I look forward to V3 with fixed spawns and cameras, though! =D
When v3 of this map is released, I'd like to feature it on my channel, Gameplays247, as well as Machinimarespawn
This is B-E-A UTIFUL. Needs more ways to get to teh top tower where the core is but other than that this is made of win.
Thanks guys! I just moved into college, so I may be a little busy. But, I will hopefully put up v3 this weekend if I get some more gameplay feedback. You can get up to the core via spiral staircase or jet pack from the sniper tower.
Thanks man! The final version (I hope), v3, is out! V3 Changes: For V3, the biggest fix was the spawns. I didn't fully understand how they worked apparently, but now I do. All the spawns are now fully functional with any number of players and all stages. I also fixed the heavy weapon spawn times, mimicking Bungie's times (for the most part). I changed the Sniper Rifle, Focus Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and Fuel Rod Cannon all from 30 second to 90 second spawns. I also changed the Spartan Laser and Plasma Launcher spawns times from 60 seconds to 120 seconds. This should lighten the heavy weapon usage. Another entrance to the base was added in stage 3. A rock spawns on the right wall, allowing players to jump into the base. The gametype was just changed a little. I changed the capture time for stage 2 from 20 to 30 seconds. It seemed like that stage was a little too easy, so I beefed it up a little. Finally, I added initial spawn loadout cameras--I completely forgot those, whoops! I would now like to announce that this map is finalized--completely done. I think I have improved the aesthetics a lot, tweaked the gameplay into a competitive battle, made the spawns functional, and fixed all (or most) of the little screw ups. If I missed anything, it should be minor. I hope you guys enjoy the map and play some great invasion gametypes on it! Let me know how they go, thanks!
Brilliant. This has inspired me to make an Invasion map of me own. I learned a lot from taking the tour in Forge and a Custom Game.
Cool, I am glad it helped you. If you have any questions about how I did some of the things, don't hesitate to ask! Let me know if you play any fun matches on it!
Just shoot me a PM here, or email me at Why do you need to contact me? Do you want me to answer questions or something? We should keep this to PMs because this is off topic.... On topic, anyone get some crazy 16 players matches on this map? I had one the other day and it was sweeeeeet!
Is anyone else having problems making it past phase 1? I've played this map and gametype twice now and nobody has been able to make it past phase 1 regardless of the party size (My largest was 4v4 I think, maybe more). Anyway, it just seems like the Elites have too strong of an advantage on a phase one objective.
That was never really a problem in the games I played, just use some teamwork! Don't forget to rush with the mongooses too. Maybe try a larger sized game!
I played this awhile back with some of about 8 to 10 people. It was incredibly balanced, a ton of fun, and everybody agreed it looked really, really beautiful. So far, I'd say this is the best looking, playing, and fun invasion map that i've seen so far. For that, 5/5
Glad to here it man, show it to your friends! I don't know if it is the best in any of those categories, but I think it has a good mixture of each!