Using these forums extensively, as well as using the few resources I've found on, all in addition to messing around on Forge 2.0 constantly since day one, I think I finally have a working knowledge of how the gametype labels and most of the other tools in Forge work.... And if not, I'm fairly certain I can figure it out. I probably won't be able to explain why it works, but I can probably make it function. So post a question, and I'll do my best to help figure out the answer. {Answered Questions}
You obviously haven't used the Search function extensively on these forums...
I did see that, on here as well as on Bungie, but I also feel it lacks depth for someone who's just starting to get into Forge. Not only that, but it's also not an FAQ. It's a gametype list. Some people aren't quite as good as you at applying a list of gametypes to specific situations. And while that guide was extremely helpful and very well-written, it still took me quite a bit of trial-and-error to figure out how to apply, say, ctf labels to a one-flag game in such a way that the attacking team always had to retrieve the flag from the same place. This thread is just basically me trying to help out other Forgers who would ordinarily make their own thread and thus make valuable topics like the one you listed harder to find. And I find it very ironic that you would reference that particular thread. But I ask that you please leave mine alone. Sincerely and kindly appreciative, ~ me.
@Mod: Should this post go into the "ForgeMates" thread? If so, please delete. New to the forums, and good intentions plus eagerness to help fellow Forgers tends to result in me not quite being as diligent as I should be in finding out where to post. I do see a lot of threads devoted to specific issues involving Forge, and thought this might condense a few, but I'm suddenly unsure whether this strays too close to the line of offering to help Forge when it's really just an effort to answer questions in a single thread. I apologize if I strayed in creating this topic, and ask for your forgiveness. And if it's not in err, I thank you for your time. Faithfully, ~me.
While I understand your eagerness to help. That thread wouldn't be a good thread if it didn't allow for Q&A... as a matter of fact, it would already be locked. My point is there is already a thread created to discuss the uses for those specific objects and there is no need for every member to have their own thread to answer the same questions.
I must have missed it. I didn't see a thread dedicated to discussing the individual uses of those gametype labels in specific situations- all I saw was the gametype list, which doesn't give information as to how to apply those labels short of the very detailed merged invasion post from Bungie. I am new here, and I guess I didn't search as well as I had thought. And the only purpose of this thread was to be Q&A. I noted quite a few "NEED HELP PLEASE" threads, and thought this might cut down on the vast number of those. It seems that those of us willing to share what knowledge we have in a forum context are greatly outnumbered by those looking for answers. Probably because sharing involves less time playing. .
DiJaDi, you're good. Forgemates thread is for people who want to forge together. Continue with the QnA.
Thanks, Black Theorem. So, yeah, as I said above, post questions here, and I'll do my best to answer them!
Hi DiJaDi I was wondering whether I actually need a vehicle for a race mode? I'm thinking jet pack/pilotwings-type race. Basically I'm having trouble getting checkpoints to register at all. I've positioned various flag markers, set them as race flags in advanced, set the seq number to 1, 2 etc... but no luck. Could this all stem from the fact that I've not got a race_spawn (which is what you'd label your vehicle iirc)? Any help much appreciated. thanks
I want to know how to make immovable objects, spawn high up during a round and fall to the ground, so basically, make them movable like the killball dragon thing bungie showed us. (On another note, why not copy all the questions you've been asked to the first post. This might end up being a long thread and i'm sure you don't want to have to repeat yourself or alternatively i'm sure members don't want to trawl through 65 pages looking for an answer to their question.)
Which gametype are you trying to use? I think the way the hills spawn is the order in which they're originally placed. The spawn sequence only seems to label each hill, but not have any effect on the actual spawning order of them. Worst case, you can test in-game to see which ones spawn in what order, make note of the order they spawn, and then just move the hills accordingly. For instance, if hill A spawns first, followed by hill B, followed by hill C, etc..., you can just go back into forge and move hill A to the location you want the first hill to be, move hill B to the location you want the second hill, etc. But you can give my theory a shot. I've only messed with a max of three hills so far, so my idea of the spawning order being related to the order of placement might be based on a total coincidence.
I think the way you do this is to not have it spawn at the start. I'll mess around and get back. And thanks a lot, great idea!
Race spawns are definitely a necessity. Vehicles are not. Race spawns spawn a player on a mongoose. Experimenting showed me that there's no difference of using initial spawns or respawns, as long as they're labelled as race spawns. I used hills on my race, not flag stands, though as long as you use a shape for the marker, it should in theory work for either or both. Oh, and definitely do not label anything but an objective as a race goal, and make sure that it has a shape to it. You do that, and nothing will work. Found out the hard way. Sorry about the belated response! EDIT: Just reread the part about jetpacks, and I'll experiment on that and let you know what I find out.
So, for clarification, are you trying to make an object spawn in mid-air and fall from the sky? If not, could you link to the video you're referencing?
I have managed to get fusion coils to fall!!!!!! Its a little bit of a mess around but looks good when you do it. So first set up a base/platform for the falling fusion coils and go into the settings-Advanced : and have it set at the spawn sequence of the wave before you want them falling with these setting. i.e Spawn Sequence : 1 (because I want the fusion coils to fall in the second wave) Place at start : True Game Specific : True/False (doesn't have an effect but mine was at false) Symmetry : Both Game Type Labe : INV_GATES (so it disappears after the first wave) Next set up a fusion coil/explosive (might work with other objects) and place it in the centre of the base/platform.and go into the settings. I had my platforms at different heights and changed my spawn time to between 1-4 seconds to give a staggered effect but try different setups to get the effect you want. Then go to advanced and use these settings. Spawn Sequence : 2 (because I want them to fall after the first objective is complete) Place at start : True (not sure if this effects it) Game Specific : True (again not sure if it has an effect) Symmetry : Both Game Type Labe : INV_WEAPON (was the first label i got to that worked) And thats it TIPS : I used Teleport send nodes as a base and put them as high as you can so the game doesn't draw them so it makes it look like the objects are falling from no-where. Another thing you can do is set up a kill zone like a soft one just before/going into the area thats exploding (if you're using explosives) then a kill box in it and past so that it acts like an artillery strike. I think the next step is to make a napalm strike. Im thinking as a transition to the last phase by spawning a walkway or something long and thin and putting it on a sleight angle then having it appear for the first wave, disappear for the second one and in the last wave have the explosives fall. I could also spawn a falcon on a man cannon to fly over a ravine to make it look like it dropped the bombs! Gunna see if I can make this happen!!! Need more eplosives!!!!
Easiest way I've found is to put a platform beneath it, and then set that platform to not spawn at game start, and also set the spawn sequence of the platform to a number beyond the quantity of waves you have. For instance, if it's in an invasion or race map, and you have five 'waves' of spawns, set it to 6 or anything beyond that. For slayer, CTF, assault, or just about anything else, as long as the spawn sequence is 2+, there shouldn't be a problem. That way you don't see the platform in game, and the object you want to fall falls throughout the entire game. Now, if you only want it to fall during a specific 'wave' during invasion or such, set it to THAT spawn sequence, and theoretically that should work.
I've found that not all objects can be made movable. The item I wanted to "free-fall" was a 4x4 block tall. However, to make movable objects spawn. Place the item with the "FIXED" property. Deselect the item and access it's properties by highlighting it and pressing X. Then set it's properties to "NORMAL". This will make movable items freefall on spawn. P.s. i'd be careful with your double posts, you may end up with an infraction.