Would anyone like to finish this Invasion map for me?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KillCow, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. KillCow

    KillCow Ancient
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    It's around 50% complete. Attackers spawn in the ship and drop down to pick up the bomb. They must blow up the shields to reach the air base. They must capture the air base and then use the two falcons provided to assault the Covy base and capture the core. There is a ramp and vehicle teleporter and a mongoose used to do this.

    If anyone is interested, the download is here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Update! Version 2.0: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2461996&player=KillCow
    #1 KillCow, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  2. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
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    DLing now, I'll look around and see what I can do. What all do you want to do with it still?
  3. KillCow

    KillCow Ancient
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    I was thinking maybe a teleporter from the covy base to the island that would take longer than the mongoose ramp.

    It also needs some weapon placement and a way to get out of the air field besides a jet pack.

    If you have any ideas I would love to hear them/help you with it. My GT is KillCow.

    I just don't have the time to finish it.
  4. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
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    The airbase and weapons are easy for me; I'll do that and post the result. The covy base thing might take longer. Do you mean you want to replace the mongoose thing?
  5. KillCow

    KillCow Ancient
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    Ok...here's a "to-do list"

    1. Make airbase exitable via some kind of staircase/lift that wouldn't get in the way of the Falcons.

    2. Add a rocket launcher somewhere in the first phase that the spartans would be able to get to WAY faster than the elites. This rocket launcher would have 2 shots in it. The shade turret should not be visible from the rocket spawn, but perhaps visible from down a hallway. Ex: a 1 sided door allows spartan to enter (but not exit) a hallway with the rockets in it. They have to reach the end of the hallway in order to see (and blow up) the shade turret on the top of the mountain, but the elites should be able to shoot at the spartan before he gets there. AKA the spartan with the rockets has a side mission to blow up the turret and the elites have a side mission to stop him.

    3. Elites need to be given a 3rd load out with armor lock to kinda counter any grenade spam/rocket shots.

    4. Weapons need to be added to the map. Nothing too serious, but enough to spice stuff up from the load outs.

    5. Access to shade turret needs to be elites only...this can be done by surrounding teleporter with one sided shields.

    6. A teleporter needs to be placed next to the shade turret so the elites can get back down from the top of the mountain.

    7. The mongoose should stay there and should be the fastest way of capturing the core, but a side route (aka a teleporter) for one person needs to be available in case of 1 person soloing the core with no one to drive the mongoose. This would encourage teamwork, but still allow for any type of lone wolf thing.

    8. Spawns for phases 2 and 3

    9. Maybe a ghost or two in the covy base?

    And I know this is complicated lol but I've really thought this out...let me know if you'd like any help with any of this and I will gladly pitch in.
    #5 KillCow, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  6. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
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    Alright, I'm gonna add you. As you can see on the left, my GT is TigerWolf47. I'm gonna be working on my own map too at the same time, but if you wanna help me finish yours, I'm on every day anywhere between 4pm and 2am EST. (Not the entire time, that's just my free time, when I'll be on at least once a day.)
  7. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What's red is what is left to do:

    Download Links:

    Ripture v1.8b (Map)
    Ripture Invasion v1.8b (Gametype)

    I'll be keeping these copies of the files up on my fileshare for a few days to give you a chance to download them so you can look at what's done and comment. I'm positive you'll want me to change a few things, but that's why I'm sharing the unfinished versions now instead of later. :p
    #7 Roundaround, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  8. KillCow

    KillCow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just looked at the map and I like it a lot.
    I'll mess with the load outs later...the one you put in will probably be way overpowered.
  9. tytan56

    tytan56 Forerunner

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    Played through it preliminarily to see how it worked.... A, the jets that are there just as you jump down from the Ship, they caught me and wouldnt let me go. i had to grenade suicide myself.

    Then later on, when i went to grab the core/artifact, it wasnt there. I was playing on your game mode too. it had a symbol pointing down into the stand where you placed the mongoose. Evidently it fell through or something. Then, i thought id just take the mongoose and go to the end like i had the core, and when i got pushed into the second man-cannon, the thing went wildly out of control and i died. i kept spawning in out of bounds... so i had to wait out the rest of the game while the others finished.
  10. KillCow

    KillCow Ancient
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    1. Did the jets really catch you? I thought I fixed that...the one in the middle just needs to be tilted a little more to fix that.

    2. The core part wasn't 100% because originally I wanted the mongoose to be the flag, but turns out it can't do that.

    3. Are you talking about the teleporter for the mongoose? It was supposed to be a little wild, but I could tweak it a little more if necessary.

    4. The spawns were not set up at all for the last 2 phases.

    Do you have the film saved for the thing? I'd love to take a look at it and would you like to be a tester for when the map is finished?

    And thanks for testing it by the way =P
    Wasn't really in the stage for testing though

    Oh and version 2.0 for invasion gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2461996&player=KillCow
    #10 KillCow, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  11. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd just like to point out that in the version I edited, I fixed the core problem. And I never had a problem with the initial man-cannons.

    Most of the problems you mentioned are being worked on or already fixed. Don't worry, a v2.0 will be released soon. :)

    Added after 5 Days 8 Hours:

    Sorry for the delay on this post, but I have been very busy and unable to keep working on this map. Currently, it stands at the previous v1.8b Map and v2.0 Gametype. I will keep both on my FileShare for another few days, and hopefully KillCow will have it on his beyond then.

    What still needs accomplished for the release of v2.0 Map:

    2. Add a rocket launcher somewhere in the first phase that the spartans would be able to get to WAY faster than the elites. This rocket launcher would have 2 shots in it. The shade turret should not be visible from the rocket spawn, but perhaps visible from down a hallway. Ex: a 1 sided door allows spartan to enter (but not exit) a hallway with the rockets in it. They have to reach the end of the hallway in order to see (and blow up) the shade turret on the top of the mountain, but the elites should be able to shoot at the spartan before he gets there. AKA the spartan with the rockets has a side mission to blow up the turret and the elites have a side mission to stop him.

    4. Weapons need to be added to the map. Nothing too serious, but enough to spice stuff up from the load outs.

    9. Spawns for phase 3

    10. Maybe a ghost or two in the covy base?
    #11 Roundaround, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  12. KillCow

    KillCow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Will finish from here...thanks for the help =]

    Added after 7 Hours 33 minutes:

    Added the rocket launcher and started building a ramp from the Covy base...think I'm going to scrap the teleporter.

    Will need people to test the map soon...any volunteers?
    #12 KillCow, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010

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