Pic: The Red Base in "Warsong Gulch" From the hills of Azeroth, to the Forge World. This remake of the capture the flag map first introduced by "World of Warcraft" has a few additions to balance the abilities of spartans and elites in Halo.
Awwww, I was thinking of doing this. But whatever. Also I think you need more pics, a better description, and probably the list of classes. Yeah you should add a lot to this post. And there's no custom gametype which there should be.
Custom gametype extends the spawn time. I chose not to make it spawn with teammates though, for balancing. If you want to turn it on and try it out, by all means.
I'm confused. Is there more than one spawnpoint for each team? I just played it and with more people, it might have been fun, but without radar players were difficult to find, and I spawned in the same place every time I died, regardless of where my teammates spawned.
I should have mentioned ahead of time that my gametypes, although make it more like WoW, are also designed for my LAN group, which is usually 16 players. Most of the time we don't play with radar. Feel free to customize your own! I won't take offense
Dont know if you took my advice or if you already had this planned but great job!!! =DDD I love these WoW themed maps. 5/5