Pic: The Dark Tower of Barad-dûr Although Helm's Deep and the Dark Tower of Barad-dûr are no where near each other, this map represents the battle between good and evil in Middle Earth, carried over into Halo. Both locations provide a well fortified base for capture the flag, and the weapons within are heavy compared to most maps to accent the severity of the War of the Ring. This map, although aesthetic, is completely playable. I recommend it be used as a CTF map.
You link doesn't lead to a bungie map page, it lead to a bungie error page you should correct that link before this page is locked or some thing, This map looks really awesome and I want to check it out!
If it's not too much, could we please get a picture of the Helm's Deep Part? Also, this looks.....just soooo amazing. I just dl'd it, try to get a play of it this weekend.
The eye is very original to my knowledge. Can you further explain how CTF plays on it? I can see some cool oneflag, or even onebomb scenarios. Also you should consider posing more pictures of your map especially if it is an aesthetic map. feel free to PM me with any questions on posting.
Obviously you're not a fan of testing the maps you comment on. The map name is "Sauron vs. Helms Deep". The other side of the map is a base based off Helm's Deep. It's roughly Blood Gulch size, bigger bases on each side. One flag rest near the top of Helms Deep, and the one in the tower is on the 4th floor. There is an interior to the tower that allows you to get to the top of it, but the flag was not put up there for balancing. As far as the eye being original, there's a little-known obscure book called Lord of the Rings that it comes from. Not a lot of people have read it, but they ended up making it into a movie. No one saw that either, but it had some good parts.
well there you go, so why don't you take that and put that into your post. Most people only download maps when they see that you put enough effort into making the actual map AS WELL as your thread.
perhaps make a game type with only swords s that it would be more towards the feeling coming from the map, though with the size it might not work but just a suggestion and catapults... catapults are always fun
great book awesome movie ill dl but didnt like barad- dur from the outside much. Haha well thats just me its awesome though