It would also be good to note that this will only happen if Xbox LIVE is working. Test #3 Details Which of the following is spawning in spawn areas based on: - Set distance from spawn area center - Set distance from spawn area edge - Percentage distance from spawn area center - Percentage distance from spawn area edge - Boolean (enemy inside of spawn area) - Other
Well, reverse engineering is basically modding, which is illegal. I could get find a way to mod (people are doing it) but not for the purposes you needed it for. Cheat-modding is lame XD unless it's in custom games where you're just messing around having fun, not cheating people out of their ranks.
The spawn area tests are going to be really tough. I've decided we're gonna start really slow. Following tests are going to be: 2 Players, Open Field -- This test was done informally after the first session by me and Asper. 2 Players, Open Field, Long Respawns 2 Players, Close Quarters 2 Players, Close Quarters, Long Respawns 4 Players, Open*, Long Respawns 6-8 Players, Open*, Long Respawns 4 Players (Team), Open Field 4 Players (Team), Open Field, Long Respawns 4 Players (Team), Close Quarters 4 Players (Team), Close Quarters, Long Respawns 8 Players (Team), Open Field 8 Players (Team), Open Field, Long Respawns 8 Players (Team), Close Quarters 8 Players (Team), Close Quarters, Long Respawns * There is a difference between Open and Open Field
However, if ANYONE could get a modder that can create immunity to assassination gametypes then that would be GREATLY appreciated. I already have a Slayer Instant Respawn gametype, but what I really want is immunity to assassinations. This would not be threatening any ranks or such, just enable more gameplay options. BUNGIE GIVE US IMMUNITY TO ASSASSINATIONS!!!
Hay AZN FTW, i now a guy who could probably do it. he made a instant respawn game (not sure if its the same as your one) and he made the catapolt on sandtrap ( and no, i'm not makeing this up ). he is good at modding so i'll se if he could do it. ;D ;D
Beta Waffle, I know you're in the middle of some intense spawn tests, but I was wondering if you could take a short break and do some research for me. Really, anyone can do it but I know Waffle is thorough. I'd do it myself but my 360 is out for repair. I really want to know the specifics of "0% damage". Can a player with 0% damage throw damaging grenades, trip mines, and power drains? Can he melee people to death? Can he kill by assassination? Can he kill with sticky grenades or flame grenades? Will his gravity hammer still bounce people away? Can he kill with turrets, vehicle guns, or splatters? Can he destroy fusion coils or vehicles with any of the above? All of this would take about 5 minutes in Forge, as long as you set player traits to 0% damage before you started the game. I'd really appreciate any help with this. If anyone does these tests, either post the results here or let Waffle know so he can post them in his RERT Findings thread. Or PM me, that works too. Thanks in advance!