this is just a basic map i whipped up real quick very simple concept just hop across the rocks to the end but half the rocks have land mines in them so you have to choose the right path at the end theres four teleporters pick the right one and you win pick the wrong one and you get sent back or even die in which case you start over anyway
Very basic, but you should make a gametype for it where whoever gets to the finish teleports somewhere and gets a prize or gets a hill and the game ends or something, because it's otherwise a bland map.
i did have it set to a king of the hill type game where one of the teleporters brings you to some place with buildings and there was a hill there but it never worked i checked online and did whatever i could think of but the gametype/map wasnever compattable so i just got tired and posted it im still trying to fix it
Okay, here's how to solve your problem: 1) Make sure Forge gametype is NOT basic editting, but instead KotH 2) Select the hill that you've created, and edit it. 3) Select "Advanced", then under label, set it to "KotH_Hill" After that, the gametype should be compatible
i would have made it longer but i ran out of land mines but i will make more maps like that with new patterns
This is a nice idea, and very cool, but it can be easily fixed. Someone could record the mine placement and have cheap wins. But the idea's nice. If you could just bump up the difficulty, or make it a little more aesthetically pleasing, it would be SO much better! But otherwise, nice job, and cool idea.
Kind of reminds me of a game I used to play in gym. We where on a big mat with a lot of squares maybe 6 by 6. Then we had to guess the right pattern. This is really easy to make, but the concept seems fun, which matters more.