Do I place both red and blue and set them to "INF_SPAWN", red being infected and blue being humans, or is there something else like blue set to "INF_SPAWN" and red set to "INFECTION"? Also, would anyone know exactly what the safe haven does?
If your map only plays infection, all you need to do is put the Red Team as the humans, and the Blue Team as the Infected. Don't ask me why red is the defenders and blue is the attackers, Bungie is weird like that. Setting the spawns to gametype specific options only tells the game to use those spawns during infection. I'm pretty sure you can get away with not touching these for the spawns (if your map only plays infection, if not, go ahead and set each spawn to INFECTION_SPAWN). Safe Havens give the humans different traits when they are in them, like the hills in KOTH. These are required for infection. Make sure you set the hill marker as INFECTION_HAVEN.
Thanks, helped me a ton. I kept thinking I was doing something wrong because the colors have switched.