2 overview shots: The deck of Red Ship: The deck of Blue Ship: Under the water, we've got two grid items, which are invisible from above the water, allowing us to let people walk in the water "swim" and allow the boarding craft (warthogs and mongooses) to get to the other ship. The boxes in the water mark the edge of the grids... if you go off into Davy's Jones' Locker... it be yer own fault. The map is being made for slayer, territories, assault, and ctf. Territories would have players capturing the ship's wheel, cargo hold, and bow, while assault and ctf would be either blowing up/stealing the flag from the other team's cargo hold. We've thought up some "piratey" loadouts to go with our custom game type, if you want to go that far. They are as follows: Loadout 1: Marksman Weapon: Magnum Ability: Sprint Loadout 2: Guard Weapon: Shotgun Ability: Sprint Loadout 3: Gladiator Weapon: Plasma Sword Ability: Evade Loadout 4: Grenadier Weapon: Spiker Weapon: Frag x4 Ability: none Loadout 5: Demolitions Weapon: Grenade Launcher Game type has no shields, no headshots (pistol class becomes way overpowered), and 200 percent damage reduction. It's nearly done, jsut needs some tweaks here and there, and we need to get objects working for territories and assault. We haven't tested it much beyond 1v1 or 1v1v1 slayer, so... I guess we'd like people to help us test it out, tell us what you think and all that. I'll edit this with a download link as soon as we get it uploaded. In the meantime, let us know if you'd be interested in helping out! all comments, crits, etc are definitely welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read!
Looks great. I really like the idea. I would hope the gameplay would be more sword-centered than gun-centered, but I guess pirates do use guns. I'd be happy to test it out; looks like fun.
I would be interested in helping test this. I agree that I would also hope that swords would have a relatively larger role in the gameplay, but I'm just a sucker for the plasma sword. =P
It's both, but the way we have it positioned, the only way you can see it is if you crouch in the water. Other wise, the only way you know it's there is because you're able to walk/drive in the water.
This could possibley be my favorite map so far. Looks great, I really like the idea, especially where youve put the ships, very much reminds me of pirates of the carribean!
Update! The map has been uploaded! We know that there's work to be done with the spawn points and such, and we haven't been able to get enough people together to test it out well yet, but... It's close enough for us to put up a version 1 of it We've also uploaded the game type variants for slayer, ctf, and territories. Mostly it's just so all of the classes mentioned above are there for you to play with. Not saying you have to go with our variants of course. Aaaand if you do, in true pirate spirit, get yourself a good group of friends and some alcohol and have at it. We made a giant batch of grog for this over the weekend, and it was a riotous good time. This map is much more for LAN/System link fun rather than anything competitive. Let us know what you think! Yarrr!!! Map Download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details CTF Variant: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Territories Variant: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Slayer Variant: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details