YouTube - Halo Reach - Infinite Credits Machine This is a clip showing my current setup which makes about 80 credits per minute. It is completely autonomous ( requires no human input ). The tools I used are the Xim360 and around 12 lines of code. That's about 4,800 credits/hour while I'm away working
Considering your the age to work, meaning you can be classed as an adult, I find it highly sad. But no, I am not jealous. Atleast at "4000" an hour. Lol. Edit:- Also the fact you don't know what your doing, that's the wrong way.
I guess this doesn't really work, huh? : Halo: Reach Forum : My 150,000 Credits have been set to ZERO ROFLMAO!!! PWNED by BUNGIE!!!
Wow. First, just play the game to get cR. Second, there's no sense of achievement if you get a few million cR without doing anything. Third, I second squidhands.
lol That guy was all like... "Muah ha ha i r getting ze credits to bye ze cortana voice. MUAH HA HA!" Then bungie was all like... "NOT TODAY!" Then he was all like... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" But yeah he absolutly deserved it
It's actually hysterical reading all the posts in that thread. People just posting and saying Bungie is banning people unfairly for playing too much Gruntpocalypse or using the Target Locator. Very few people have seen my posts or the ones by ferrex explaining the whole true story about him scripting to get those cR. Ignorance shines through...
Couldn't you like, use lego mindstorms to make a robot that presses the right buttons to constantly start and end forge over and over and over? I mean, that'd make like 50 Cr every time it quit. Could atleast leave that little machine running while your at work.