Emineo Pugna "Remarkable Battle" The Covenant strike with efficiency and accuracy. They are a snake in the brush, an eagle in the skies, a shark in the oceans. And engagement after engagement, battle after tiresome battle we staggeringly bear the weight of our dead fellows whether in victory or defeat. Today we wearily, humbly propel ourselves toward an inevitable confrontation with the Covenant. We shall represent the UNSC in this most crucial hour. And if by our noble efforts we decimate this most frightening adversary we will be yet one step closer to the victory we so long for. __________________ Phase One Assault__________________ Objective: Break Defensive Covenant Perimeter Method: Planted Anti-Tank Mine Spartans: Advance through the Covenant's first line of defense. Use the provided warthogs and other arsenal to escort the bomb across the enemy line. Plant the explosive on the rock wall. There is a cave on the opposite side that leads to a Covenant occupation zone. Sangheili: Defend against the Spartan assault. Utilize the plasma turrets, provided weapons and vehicles to do so. Images: Spoiler Battle-Zone Overhead View Spartan Spawn View From Bomb General Overview Covenant Defense Covenant Vehicles __________________ Phase Two Territories__________________ Objective: Deactivate Forerunner Shields Method: Disrupt Signal Spartans: Make your way through the [now open] cave and capture the Covenant controlled signal stations to disable the Forerunner shields. Sangheili: Defend against the Spartan assault. Utilize the weapons available as well as the landscape to your advantage. Images: Spoiler Opened Cave Entrance Cave Cave Cave Exit Outside Overview High Tower and Forerunner Signal Station 01 High Tower and Forerunner Signal Station 02 __________________ Phase Three Capture the Core__________________ Objective: Capture Covenant Core Method: Infiltration Spartans: Progress through the Forerunner barrier, and having survived thus far you will receive reinforcements from a light UNSC Frigate. Put to good use the provided Falcons, tanks, warthogs and mongooses. You are infiltrating a Covenant zone so prepare to take heavy casualties. You are to locate, and retrieve the core. A pelican will be waiting for you on the opposite side of the canyon. Sangheili: We must not let the humans steal our data at any cost. They have proven capable of breaking through our defensive perimeters and are receiving additional support so be merciless with their bodies. Images: Spoiler Overview View From Forerunner Shield-Wall UNSC Light Frigate Cargo UNSC Light Frigate Cargo Covenant Core Core Drop-Off Location __________________ The Map Additional Information__________________ Phase One: FX Filter: Juicy Gametype: One-Sided Assault Vehicles: [3] Warthogs | [1] Reverent | [1] Ghost | [2] Shade Turrets Deleted at Start: Nothing Spawned at Start: Everything Phase Two: FX Filter: Next Gen Gametype: Territories Vehicles: None Deleted at Start: Vehicles | Rock Wall | Juicy FX Spawned at Start: Territories Phase Three: FX Filter: Next Gen | Purple Gametype: Capture the Core Vehicles: [2] Tanks | [2] Falcons | [?] Warthogs | [?] Mongooses [?] Banshees | [?] Spectres | [?] Ghosts Deleted at Start: Nothing Spawned at Start: Core
Hell yes! This sounds immensely fun. If you need people to test it, count me in. The only thing that I question currently is the use of the fx filters, since I haven't seen your map through gameplay, I can't completely comment on that yet. The setup seems like it will provide enjoyable combat. The only thing gameplay wise that worries me is the last phase; the Spartan's vehicle armament seems like it would put them at too great of an advantage over the Elites. Again, since I haven't played on the map yet, this is just speculative for now. Otherwise, it looks like a very good map.
thanks! and I'm not entirely sure on if I will include the second tank or not.. I might prepare different variants for testing and atm I have $3,000 left available for me to buy items with