Heliport Stronghold

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Matellis82, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    This map has been updated!!! Sept 19th 2010
    It is now more accessible and easier to navigate. Removed hidden power weapons and created a lot more cover.

    Hey guys!

    Here is a map I just created in forge for Halo Reach. It is best for big team slayer and king of the hill. It is best suited for jet-packs but can be easily traversable without them.

    The story for this map is that it is a heliport that has been attacked and the way out has been crushed. The falcons hang from a conveyor belt that are usually placed on the two landing pads, although the conveyor belt is no longer functional.

    I hope you all like it and I really look forward to any feed back as this is my first map created in forge. At the moment I lack a good amount of friends online to be able to properly play test it, so please feel free to add me your guys friends list if you are interested. It would be great to have a good group of people to play with!

    Here are some screen shots.




    #1 Matellis82, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2010
  2. Elitearbitar

    Elitearbitar Ancient

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    Looks totally awesome! I love the aesthetics, especially the hanging falcons. If you're alright with australian time, add me: ElItEaRbItAr (same as my forum name) and suggest a new gamertag :D
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Aesthetics are awesome! Lovin' the hanging falcons as well. Question: Is there enough cover?? Seems too open to me..
  4. sniperbait636

    sniperbait636 Forerunner

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    This map looks so fun I never thought to hang Falcons. But Can you get them down?
  5. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Elitearbitar: Thanks man! Yeah I am fine with other time zones, I don't really have a set time that I play right now. Although I start packing tomorrow and will be moving into a new house so my time will be limited until things settle down with the move :)

    ER1C0: Thanks! that is actually a question that has been on my mind as well. I did try to make sure there are lots of areas people could quickly run to so they could recharge their shields because this level is mainly set up to be very DMR friendly. Three main scrimish areas and the rest are platform/walkway areas that people would shoot from.

    One thing I really lack at the moment is people to play test so I really look forward to what people think about it after playing some games.

    sniperbait636: Thanks! I actually made it so that you could not move the falcons. I did think about having it so you grab one but I figured that it would be over powered with the lack of cover, but also I have spent almost all the budget. I think I have around $300.00 left, so when you fly outside of the area and and start looking towards the map there is a huge drop in frame rate.

    Thanks for the comments guys! I look forward to feedback to improving this map and really be able to make it something fun to play :D
  6. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm DLing, but right now I agree that the cover seems a bit sparse. The aesthetics, though, are BLOWING ME AWAY. Amazing. =)
  7. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow. This is really look. The aesthetic are quite amazing. Although about the power weapons, you said they had to search for them. I don't really recommend that, because if a player already knows the map then he could grab a rocket launcher that was hidden. Then a noob to the map won't know where he got that and he'll be confused and wont like the map as much. So I suggest making power weapons more user friendly next time.

    Also you should really check out this guide for more tips b the forging god AZN FTW/Godly Perfection. And you can find it here.
  8. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Thanks Lance001! please let me know where you think some cover will be needed and I will make the changes. *edit Dulden answered the question before I posted.

    Dulden: Thanks! I will change that today, and I will check out your link now.

    I have a small question, can I make changes to the map and have that file update or do I need to just replace the map and change the download url on here?
    #8 Matellis82, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2010
  9. macskull

    macskull Forerunner

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    You will need to upload a new version and change the link, unfortunately.
  10. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Yeah, I guess its for the best so people know that it is updated and do not get confused with two different versions. I am going to keep reading the links posted above about game design and work on the level some more tonight. Hopefully get a few things flushed out. Wont be any crazy changes since my budget is just about spent haha.

    I have look around this website a bit but I didn't notice a W.I.P section to post progress, maybe I am not looking hard enough?? My next map I will post progress rather than posting a final and then making changes after people already start playing it.

    Thanks for the help!
  11. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Just wanted to let you all know that I have updated the map. I look forward to hearing what everything thinks!
  12. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice, I love this!
    I DLed and "liked" it.

    Guys remember if you Download something to click the thumbs up next to the file so people that don't get on forgehub can see it in the featured list on there console!

    This map deserves everyone to play it nice job Matellis82!!!
  13. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Pixie Dust: Thanks a lot! Really glad you like it and I hope I can come up with some more soonish. I am really enjoying learning more about game design. My main focus at the moment is to get my digital art business up and running so I hope that I can squeeze some more forging time in after I am moved and the office is up and running.
  14. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    All I can say is, holy poop.

    This looks like the biggest new map coming out of Reach.
  15. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think you post your wips in the general forge discussion, note the "Map Preview" threads.
  16. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Thanks Tycho! Have you had any matches on the map yet? I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    Vicious3745: Ahhh yes I see that now. In the digital art forums I go to, you don't see people posting imagines in discussion threads so I was wrong to assume other forums do the same. I will make sure to post my next one their first. Thanks for replying!
  17. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was the very first incerdible competitive map I saw on this site. I've seen a few more simce then but this is still easily the best. It looks like it has good flow. However from the pics it looks as if one side has more cover than the other. But hey, what do I know I'll give it a dl when I get Reach. And Yes I have played Rach and used Forge world so I know what I'm talking about...
  18. jsnoop

    jsnoop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    id love to play
    gamer tag is jsnoop420
  19. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing map! The aesthetics are mind blowing and I believe that this is the biggest floating map ever creating, good job. I have a lot of friends on constantly, so just add me and I can get your map tested and maybe even a youtube video. P.S. Could you add a weapons list for this map? Thanks
  20. Matellis82

    Matellis82 Forerunner

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    Hey guys thanks for all the comments! Sorry I have no added anyone to my friends list yet but I haven't gotten around to playing. I am up to my neck in boxes trying to get everything sorted for the new house for sunday. I will probably take a few hours later to pop online, add everyone and have some games! Keep in mind that I am not that good haha

    Mitchifision: thanks man! glad you like it :D I try and add more cover all around the map but I do agree. I am sort of stuck now because the budget is pretty much $0 at this point, so trying to add cover in one spot will take something away from another. I hope with play testing I will get to see what can be moved, removed or changed to maximize gameplay.

    jsnoop: I will add you later today!

    II6clique jxIxj: Really glad you like it! I look forward to playing with you and your buddies. I actually do have a youtube video up that I made with my Iphone and it really isn't that good so I haven't posted it here but maybe later I will see how well my DSLR camera records videos and do a new fly through of the map. But I am open to your suggestions and if you can do a good vid I don't mind you creating a video!

    I will probably do a weapons list like you mentioned too. After some playthroughs I look forward to getting your thoughts and hopefully the next update to the map will be the last and I can focus on another map I have in mind. I feel bad for replacing the file and confusing people but luckily it hasn't had a ton of hits this far so I can redo some things.

    The youtube video is here if your interested:


    Added after 3 minutes:

    Hey guys!

    I finally have the internet at the new house, so I look forward to checking out all the great looking content on here and playing with some of you guys!

    I just noticed that my level has been downloaded over 2500 times! Wow, I would have never thought it would get that much attention. Thanks guys!

    I look forward to any feed back to make the final improvements :D
    #20 Matellis82, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010

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