Survivor City

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Tyler Lyons, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    Decoration: Nirvana985

    I started building this map literally, the first minute I turned on Reach upon picking it up after the UK midnight release ( I am an American, just visiting my girlfriend). It took me 58 hours+ to complete and I finally finsihed it yesterday. I had some help from one of my best friends who always been an excellent decorator on my maps since forge came into being. It has 3 buildings, all of which you can get to the top from the bottom. It is flawlessly built and works perfectly with it's gametype.

    The " main building" [​IMG]
    which players have named (the second building I built which was not even supposed to be the main building) is the widest, and just short of the tallest, of the three and is complete with a helipad, a little sandbag wall, and turret. In the bottom there is a lobby, which in fact does look a lot like a lobby. [​IMG]There is a lot of walking up staircases whilst worrying about zombies to make your way up to that precious falcon. There is also a few " weapon vaults" on the way up which either tease you, or trick you into going for weapons that you should have known, were too good to be true. This building is also fully warthog and mongoose accessible and have already had great times with people who have successfully gotten a rocket hog on to the roof.

    The " spiral" building is a tall spiral staircase that leads up to a roof that appears to be a sort of penthouse or a millionaire suite. [​IMG] It has a landing pad, a glass room over looking the beach, gorgeous decoration, and an ingenius little device I call the weapon shaft. The weapon shaft is a slim tube that has weapons that are spawned at the top of it, and they drop down the shaft. All of the weapons are set to completely odd respawn times and, obviously, the better weapons take longer to spawn. It adds an aspect of danger to camping in the glass room because in order to get ammo and new weapons when you camp you need to leave your nest and travel around a balcony and up to the roof to check the weapon shaft, which will usually have something that made it worth your while to risk your life for. The glass room is a great camping spot not only because it is a good place to camp, but because the zombies have 3 good ways to kill the humans who camp there. One: they can wait behind the shield door at the entrance until they reload. Two: they can drop in through the roof and charge. And three ( which was found out on accident, oddly enough) the zombies can sit on the outside of the glass and continuously swing their sword until by some glitch they hit one of the less informed humans who doesn't know not to stand next to the glass. For the glass zombies though, it is not all fun and games. I have placed a golf club which spawns occasionally in the glass room which people call the " window cleaner", you can take a guess yourself why people call it that.

    The third building is fairly tall and the only way to get to the top is through the broken elevator, which is a teleporter in an elevator at the botttom, which teleports you to a broken elevetar at the top. [​IMG]

    In other words, there is no getting back down the way you came up. However, there is a crane located on the top of the building which you can climb and use to make your way onto the top of the " main" building.

    There is also a small road which looks great from both ground and aerial view, the road leads to a collasped tunnel which really adds to that " damn, I'm doomed" kind of feeling.

    The game plays out like this: I have placed a gigantic ammount of starting points on the ground. The humans randonly spawn somewhere on the ground near the building, usually together for some reason. But there is always one spot of worrry: a zombie randomly spawns somewhere near you, as well. When the game starts to progress after some people did or did not get killed by the first zombie, it usually ends up to be a few people in a Falcon flying around, some people camping in glass room, another few camping on main building roof, and the lone wolves who set up shop randomly around the map, more than not on the crane. There are weapons hidden around the map, so the observant survivor always has a bit of an advantage. The jetpacking zombies are quick and sneaky so your best bet always watching your radar and stocking up on DMR and sniper ammo so you can pick them out of the air.

    I am free almost anytime this month to play the game with whoever wants to, so just add me my gamertag is: Tyier Lyons. I will also be starting work on a new map with in a few days, any help I can get is greatly apreciated. Thanks for reading!
    #1 Tyler Lyons, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  3. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    I am getting really irritated :(, I did all of those steps and still can not post a thumbnail :( I guess until then I will try and put pictures in to the forum. Thank you a lot :)
  4. Reeve

    Reeve Ancient
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    This is really awesome, I would love to try it with a big group. What are the loadouts? Do all the zombies have jetpacks? Do they have infinite fuel?

    Also, great aesthetics, all over the place. I should be getting my xbox in about a week, I'll download the map and add you so that I can play it then.
  5. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    The loadouts for the humans are evade and sprint, they both have 2 grenades and magnums. All the zombies have jet packs and thanks, I will deff add you man.
  6. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks amazing! Exactly what I was hoping to find. I love the buildings and how polished of a map it must be. I have a few questions. Is the falcon overpowered? I don't see any way for the zombies to shoot it down other than getting lucky with a jetpack. And, does every camping spot have at least two ways in? I always find that when one room has only one way in all the humans will flood there. Well, I haven't played it so I can't REAAALLY judge it that well.

    Add me this map looks awesome; GT Trentzombee
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wow! That looks very cool! I'm loving the tall buidlings and the idea of having the players spawn randomly around the ground floor.

    Could you please post an overall picture? I know the first pic gets the top of the three buildings but I'd kinda like to see the ENTIRE buildings in their vastness/awesomeness. Thank you.
  8. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    The falcon isn't overpowered, it takes a hell of a lot of work to get to the falcon ( considering zombies usually beat the humans to the punch and give it a nice old beat down), I will post a picture in a minute and I will add you zombee. The rooms all have two entrances and they are all pretty easy to clear out with a well coordinated zombie attack, but not TOO easy. Skilled campers will be a bit of a problem like in any good zombie map, but hey, that is where all the fun is.
  9. Chris Haldor

    Chris Haldor Ancient
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    Only problem is that when they get to the falcon there's no way to kill them is there? Unless they fly right at a zombie :p

    Perhaps you could make a game mode where the survivors need to get to the falcon and fly off to a safe zone to score a point or 3?

    Especially if there's 4 survivors, since then one of them needs to be left behind XD

    #9 Chris Haldor, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  10. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    The Falcon isn't all that overpowered, it takes the zombies a minute or two to take it down but that isn't all that bad considering the falcon really is not that much of a threat AND the game is made for 8+ players so if the zombies concentrate on taking out the campers and the lone wolves first, an army of of 3 zombies can easilly take out the Falcon in a short amount of time, not even to mention what an army of 5+ zombies can do. Anyway I am starting on a new map today so I will be sure to consider your advice when I make it. Thanks :) Anything else you would like to see in my next Survivor map?
  11. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would love too see your next survivor map. I got your FR as well. Also, if you want to, we might be able to make a survival map together? I just don't get to play a lot but, regardless, an idea.
  12. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    Definitely, man. I have a few ideas in mind. Already started on one. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Btw I am 5 slots away from being on the first page of Most Downloaded :D Any downloads help!
  13. Halfwayameoba

    Halfwayameoba Forerunner

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    I have this map and it is great i have recommed it to my friends and they think its great to you should make another one like this map because you make great maps.

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