I've been working on an invasion map, and I've got all my spawns and gating working correctly. However, the first base that I have the Spartans taking I want sandbags and a few crates to spawn on after they take it. Is there a specific label I need to use to make them spawn during phase 2? The Invas_Weap and vehicle labels don't work, nor does the regular Invasion label. Is this even possible?
You didn't search the site before posting. There are several threads on this topic. Check the stickies, one of them says Forge Required Objects, or something of that nature. Check that one out.
I did search. None of those gave me an answer that I saw. Put simply, I want sandbags to spawn in a specific location during phase 2 of invasion. Getting weapons or vehicles to do that is easy enough. However, using the weapon or vehicle label (which is the only advice any of those threads gave) does not work. I haven't seen anything that says it's impossible, though, so until then I'm assuming it can be done.
I'm sure you have done it, but have you double checked to make sure that the sandbags have the correct sequence listed? I personally have found that part easy to forget about.
Yep, they all have sequence 2 (they're supposed to spawn after the spartans take the first objective). I haven't tried yet, but it just occurred to me to try using the Invasion_Platform label. It seems like that would be the closest type of object label. I will try and post back on here when I can, since it seems that no one else has run into my problem or found a solution yet.
I think I remember reading in the bungie invasion forge guide not to do Invasion_platform as it applies only to spire. Just read through the guide again...maybe they describe what to do
I have done it, I didn't use a tag at all, just the spawn number. Also you can set scenery to de-spawn as inv_gates If you be patient, Me and a friend will be starting a brand new series; Forge Help 101, on youtube. Youtube Page First episode will only be an introduction to the controls and forge world in general, but episode 2, will cover invasion gametypes. and everything to do with them.