Halo Reach cR Farming Methods

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FORTR3SS, Sep 21, 2010.


How Do you feel?

  1. Finally, a "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" for reach!

    2 vote(s)
  2. Gonna get rich or die trying

    4 vote(s)
  3. No thanks, Im already ballin

    1 vote(s)
  4. I'd rather rank up legitly, even though this is "legit"

    4 vote(s)

    FORTR3SS Forerunner

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    So you wanna be a big balla with cRedits off the wide?
    You wanna be able to say "F*ck the price on the tag, just throw it in the bag"?
    You wanna to make bank/rank?

    ...You've come to the right place.

    Method 1 (Fastest)
    1. Campaign> Mission> Tip Of The Spear> Rally Point Bravo
    -Difficulty: Normal+
    -Skulls: Cowbell

    2. Start it up!

    3. Wait for the falcon to land and pick either right or left side gunner.
    -Right side is easier to work with & gives slightly more cR.
    -Right Side can also hit some of the left side enemies at certain angles(usually when facing backwards)
    -Experiment which side works best for you.

    4. Shortly after flying you will reach a checkpoint and now the fun begins!

    5. AC130 your way through enemy infantry, vehicles, and turrets.
    -One tactic for higher Multi-Kills is to wait for enemies to bunch up together and you have the right line of sight before firing so that it il be easier to rack up cR/Commendations.

    6. As soon as you have killed everyone on your side you will see the giant blue shield... dont let the falcon go past it, just revert to last save, cRedits earned will not reset.
    -Do this for as many times as you dream.
    -Ending it on a "good" run will increase your cR by a small margin.

    Average: 2,500 cR /10 mins

    Method 2 (Fun-er)
    1. Matchmaking> Co-op> Score Attack

    2. Start it up!

    3. Once match is set you are able to vote the map/gametype you want.
    -Gruntpocolypse is your best bet, lasting only 5mins and its all grunts all the time.

    4. Dome any grunt in your sight.
    -3 Types of grunts (Regular, Armored, HeavyWeapons)
    -Regular & HeavyWeapons grunts take 1 shot to the face, while the armored takes 2.
    -Watch for nades

    5. Once it ends you can start it up again if you please.

    Average: 1,500 / 1 match

    Method 3 (Commendations Galore)
    1. Campaign> Mission> Winter Contingency> Rally Point Bravo
    -Difficulty: Normal+
    -Skulls: Cowbell, Grunt B-day

    2. Start It Up!

    3. As soon as you start you will have a couple stragglers, just dome them with your magnum.

    4. Before the next couple waves come, run into the building which kat is operating on and grab you a DMR and some clips.

    5. Find a holdout point in where you can get multiple kills from different angles.
    -The small inclosed area with the forklift inside is a good spot that covers all areas of that map.

    6. Dome everything in your way, except Ol' Rusty (The Forklift)

    7. Once everything is killed your noble team willl be waiting for you to get inside the building, dont... just revert to last save and do it again and again
    -Do it untill your fingers get tired or if you feel the need to try out your new found headshot reaction ability in matchmaking.

    Average: 600 per run

    Now you can swim in cRedits while your buddys ride shotgun.

  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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  3. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    or you know.. you could actually play the game...
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Except the automated ban hammer system will find you and think you're cheating.

    I'd rather get credits the fun way- by actually playing everything available rather than bore myself playing 10 hours of the same thing just so I can have a higher meaningless rank that reflects nothing on your skill and buy clothes for my dress-up spartan.
    #4 Rifte, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  5. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    I haz one!

    1. Start up ONI Sword Base on Rally Point Alpha.
    <Normal with all skulls that have no effect on damage>
    <Use any skull and difficulty variation, but the previously stated were the ones I used.>

    2. Grab Target Locater.

    3. Skip everything, just use sprint til you get to the grunts.

    4. Got your DMR? Get your Grunt Birthday Party Gift bag by killing the 3 grunts and hijacking the ghost grunt.

    5. Use the ghost to get you to the rocks that have a view of the 2 buildings.

    6. Take out your TL. See the Covy ship? Don't shoot.

    7. The ship will go back and forth. Wait for it to go back to the middle of the buildings 2 times.

    8. Start locking on while its going to the middle the 3rd time.

    9. If timed right, most missiles should hit. Boom!

    9.5. Miss? Its ok, wait for it to go back to the middle.

    10. Run out and get a few kills. Just die when your done.

    11. Repeat about 15 times, its addicting and fun.

    Total time elapsed each: about 45 seconds.

    Keep doing it, its addicting and fun. Takes a while but it is possibly the EASIEST way.

    Amount of cR from 5 times: about 1500 from my memory, not sure because I had to get off.
    #5 BloodBender97, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    btw: Just wanted to post this as a disclaimer. Quote by Ferrex (Bungie Employee):


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