Double Fortress This is the first map I've made in Halo: Reach, inspired by the map 2fort from Team Fortress 2 (another game that I'm a huge fan of). It is designed to be a pseudo-symmetrical map for CTF, Slayer, and just about every gametype I can fit in there. I say pseudo-symmetrical because while each base has a near identical layout, Red Base is built to have a technological feel to it, while Blue Base has a more primitive look. Red Base Blue Base The center of the map has three layers: The middle, where most of the action will be taking place The top of the bridge, high ground accessible via man cannons in either base The trench, a lower area providing both an escape route and an alternate path into either base. The bases themselves also have three layers corresponding to the layers in the middle, with the flag rooms on the bottom floors, but separated such that you have to access them from the upper two floors. Red Flag Room Blue Flag Room The map still needs tested, so any feed back from people who try it out would be awesome. I can post more screen shots if people are interested. Any critiques, comments or questions are welcome as well. Edit: Here's what 2fort looks like in TF2 for those who are interested:
Its a reference to the Team Fortress 2 map it's inspired by, 2fort. I'm terrible at naming things, so if anyone has a better idea for a name, feel free to tell me. Anything about the map itself?
That's a good idea, but I don't think the top down cross section is necessary, because this map is in not identical to the original, just a spiritual successor of sorts.
lol he edited that in. it wasnt there when i read it... im pretty sure... anyways, have a download link?
Pretty Cool ^^ I like how you've adhered to the 2Fort design. Too bad Forge doesn't allow for too much color manipulation
Updated map to fix the glitch where weapons behave oddly when they are placed when set to "fixed". New download link here and at the top of the page: : Halo Reach : File Details
That second picture is a map of 2fort from Team Fortress Classic, the 2Fort in TF2 is almost entirely different.
Even that overhead picture of TFC_2fort doesn't give it any justice. Elevators, underwater passageways, sliding doors etc... Currently I'm working on a map for TFC_Well... but man can it be difficult to stay within budget sometimes! I've exausted half of the budget and have created only a single base (without any mid ground)... May just make it a single direction invasion instead of 2 flag...