Swat Tower Created by RippedMantas and Dport406 Supported Gametypes: SwatBall Map Description This is a very tactical map. It is also team oddball. You must use teamwork and skill to win. Each team starts of in small rooms with swat weapons. In center of map there is the tower. There are stairs leading to the first floor and a gravity lift to the second, were the ball spawns. Here is the list of weapons. battle rifle - x8 assult rifle - x4 smg - x4 sniper rifle - x2 carbine rifle - x2 frags - x8 overshield - x1 bubble shield - x1 regenarator - x1 trip mine - x2 _________________________________________________ Back of Tower Gravity lift to second floor Top of Tower Front of Tower First spawn Second spawn _________________________________________________ Thanks for Dport406 with building of the map and thank you for all your comments Download map Here Download gameplay varient Here
This could use some interlocking - you can ask me questions on anything you are having troubles with.
the middle building looks fine but the outer area looks as if it needs a bit more cover or scenery. the spawn walls don't look like their lined up also. other than that good job
Looks a little too basic for me. Nothing really special and the walls dont look straight. For a SWAT map it has very little cover.
I can't really imgagine this for SWAT, there isn't enough cover and doesn't look SWAT oriented at all....