Yeah but Nemihara the only reason you are a UNSC Spartan is because you spam every day, lol, spammer... But as for Global Warming, recent news reports and studies have begun to release evidence saying it is now, "Global Cooing", not warming. Al Gore worried about his Noble much?
Me, spam? NEVAR. And you should talk, Mr. 'Oh-I'm-gonna-pwn-some-noobs-in-the-map-section-by-telling-them-that-their-post-is-wrong-lol' ;D
Ummm... but you see the difference is that everone tells people that there posts are wrong and that is okay... In your case, spamming is not ok, so, not good for you but fine for me....
See, fellow users of Forge Hub, my competitor Brute Captain will spam and lie his way to Loyal '08. I do not. That's why you should vote for me! lol, really off topic now. I'll stop.
I totally and fully agree with this guy; there is no proof that it is happening because of us humans emmiting too many gases. And that this hasn't happened before millions of years ago, and that it's just natural. I think that the Human Made Global Warming is fake and non-existant, but I do believe that it is real, just not Human Made