Ok, so. In forge you can select and object and then goto advanced. There is a symmetry option that lets you choose Both, Symmetric, and Asymmetric. I am wondering what this option means. I am placing spawns on my map one side has blue spawns and one side has red. Each side has a respawn zone for their spawns with more spawns outside this zone. Knowledgable forgers will know why this is. I am wondering if I need to edit the settings on the spawns to symmetric or asymmetric or both if they are labeled red and blue. As well on the map I want to have spawns for free for all games. What do I do to make sure in team games people don't spawn on them? Thanks, JDOG
Asymmetric means stuff like one flag where the teams' objectives are different. Symmetric is everything else.
Can you go a little more in depth? I feel as though one flag, there are even teams therefore symmetric. I am asking the question so I am probably wrong. As well, could somebody answer the questions in my first post?
How much more depth do I need to go into? If both teams have the same objective in the same round (get 50 kills, capture flags, hold balls) it's symmetric. If they have different objectives (plant the bomb, stop the other team from planting the bomb) it's asymmetric.
Okay I get it now. I want the map to support all gametypes so do I have to make seperate spawns for each mode and label them correctly?
Not necessarily. If it needs to be different for asymmetrical play, yes, you'll need one setup tagged for symmetrical and one for not. Things that are not affected by play symmetry, however, can just be marked "both."
Asymmetrical. It's not hard to apply it to what Ladnil said. Are the objectives of the zombies and humans different? Yes. Infection is asymmetric.
Symmetric means the same. Thats why slayer and oddball are symmetric. Infection or one flag or one bomb and stuff like that are different. As in Asymmetric.
What if I want the spawns to support all gametypes except infection. I want seperate spawns for infection. As well, I want to have free for all only spawns. How do I accomplish that?
You'll have to open the map under each gametype, place the spawns, and set them all to be gametype specific.
So for Infection I set the forge gametype to infection. Then I place spawns and set them to blue team for zombies and red team for humans. Then I change the gametype specific label to the second one. I forgot what its called. I think it is inv_spawn. Anyways, after that do I have to set the spawn to gametype specific, true or false?