Does anyone else find this extremly hard? I have has my logo since Halo 2 (Halo: CE, if that was an option, so U don't remember), and used it all the way up to last week. I had "Flaming ninja" in a circle. I just changed it to "Stuck" in a circle. it was pretty hard to change it (just couldn't bring myself to do it, lol) but it looks cooler now. I wanted to change it because I made a character on a guest account to take screenshots, and I randomly made my logo. I loved it, and changed it to my account. That account (non-XBL) now has my old logo... lol. So, what are your thoughts on changing your Halo 3 logo and what makes you want to change it?
I used to search and search for a good emblem, but I couldn't find one. Now, I have a toggled Runes Emblem, with a Four Diamonds background, all orange, on blue armor. I don't think I'll change mine for a long while. Of course, there are those people who think that you should change it as much as you change clothes. It's funny when in the MM lobby, searching for matches, they change their emblem to see what it would look like, and when they find a Match and start playing, their emblem is something ugly and/or gay.
I change it every little while, for a while I had: Colour -Primary E: White -Secondary E: White -Background E: White Emblem -Fore: Da Bomb -Back: Cog Colour -Primary E: White -Secondary E: White -Background E: White Emblem -Fore: Seventh Column -Back: Display I generally try to keep it all white, and do stuff I haven't seen before. No 1/3rd Column+Da Bomb.
Since Halo 2, I have used the orange hawk with a white circle around it that looks like a Longhorn. I always have to rep my team, and I have never changed it. No, Halo:CE did not have logos. All you had was colors and cool generic names.
I stick with the side Spartan (without the stick), and flaming it can mea two things: -Flaming Helmet -Spartan that was 0wn3d by
I change mine all the time . I the colors/emblem I use don't have any sentimental value to me at all. Personally, I prefer the various symbols available (ying-yang, etc.) but I'll just use whatever. Often, I'll just change myself into a pink female elite with th eheart/lips symbol just for the hell of it.
Well, as you can see in my shopped avatar, I use a Brute Emblem. And I don't think I would ever change it because, well, I am Brute Captain. I occassionally change the background though...
For me I use the sheild and eagle crest and I never will change it, I love it too much. I also never change my spartan look either, I think it is too cool. I also won't chnge my color scheme which is yellow and blue for the body and white and blue for the logo.
for all of Halo 2 and most of halo 3 until about 1 month ago, I had a fire skull... then my friend yelled at me and forced me to change to his emblem so we'd have a clan. I reluctantly agreed but we A) never formed the clan and B) I hate his logo, Its the forward Spartan Head with Swords, Yellow swords and Head, Green Background.... its plain and boring, Im switching back to my good old Fire Skull... I like it better
I also find it hard, but for me its because as it being one of the most customizable things about halo 3 , and because of that I usually try and feature it in my pics so if people see me with a new emblem they are going to be like a: not the same person or b: this kids nto consistent
Occasionally I change my emblem to something different just to mix things up, but eventually I decide that I like my old one the best and stick with it. Its unique, and I've seen very few people with the exact same emblem as mine.
I honestly have the best emblem EVERRRR check it: mastar
i was never serious about emblems or anything, i never really cared. right now i have a white unicorn with a red horn because it's random and whatever and for some reason, i have yet to see anybody else with one. I have no attachment to it or anything about my spartan really.
Is anyone currently looking for a good emblem? A word of advice, use a Four Diamonds background, there are many options with it.