If you want to be too busy for her too you should do this, I know you've read it before too... This will do two things: 1. Increase your manliness by 500% 2. Make you cool enough to be in an Old Spice commercial.
Ah, but I did, therefor I obviously can... Your mind = Blown It was my advice to the other guy asking for help in getting a girlfriend, its a thread in off topic, just like this is getting. That thread is seriously a quote goldmine. Anwho, f the OP no longer has any problems with the girl then this should get closed.
Chicks feed off of attention. As Organite stated on the first page, last reply, they're attracted to you not being attracted to them. Confusing as hell, but true. Girls also want you to read their minds, and are very sarcastic, maybe even being the Generals of Sarcasm(cwutididthar?). Anyway, I hope that we can all find the solutions to our girl problems.
Why would you come to a video game website for dating advice? I'm not saying that the people here know nothing about dating, but wouldn't it make more sense to go to one of those teen forums or something? This.