Hey guys, This is my first post here, so be gentle, please I saw someone in another thread saying they wanted to see a Colossus remake, and I don't like to disappoint. So here's my map. I call it "Shadow of Colossus" Why shadow of? Well Im sure you guys know the coliseum area of Forge world isnt quite as big as the original colossus, and so this isnt quite as big. However, I think it plays just as well. The size isnt the only thing i've changed though. I kinda accidentally created a 3rd level at the back of the map. I could have boxed it off, but it gave some more room for skirmishing, and although this level doesn't have a direct path up to the top level it does have some nifty toys which could make your assault on the top a whole lot easier. Plus, most of what is there is from memory. I couldnt exactly switch back and forth from Halo 2 to Reach and all I could find on google was two tiny dark images which only showed the basics. So, im sorry if you were expecting a full featured remake of Colossus, but thats why I gave it its new name. Its not exactly the same as Colossus, but it plays just as well and feels the same. (Plus it has a big grav lift/man cannon in the middle) Again, this is my first time, so be gentle -Dac
Maybe make the screenshots bigger so we can see, and also did you seriously name it "Shadow of" because its just smaller? Or because of the incredible PS2 Game?
I thought it was actually a remake of a temple or something out of that game shadow of colossus xD nice work though!
Heh, thanks. Like I said, the coliseum space on Forge World isnt big enough for the original Colossus so I changed it up a bit, and as for the third level at the back, that space was left over and I felt like it could be used to store some unique guns to aid in your assault on the top floor. So...this is a colossus remake, but its part actual remake and part thematic remake.