Rockclimbing - A Jumping Puzzle

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by STWOW, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Straight to the point, because I know 70% plus or minus a few of you won't read this, so without further adieu, I present to you a Jump map made into one of the many shear cliffs of Forgeworld. I decided to make it after I realized you could jump around and all the way up, unassisted, a Seastack, so I started to make a tower on it, then finally settled on making on a wall. And let me tell you, it's hard...really hard. And that's the problem.
    So to the pictures before I go on any further, from top to bottom:
    So, in about 40 tries I did it in 2:47, however, literally everyone else who has tried has not been able to do it (simple, no abilities allowed, no altered stats, but you have to be an elite). If you fall, most of the time you die. So my main reason for posting this was,
    1. To show people the map (obviously) because I don't want to post anything during the initial map flood.
    2. To ask if I should put any checkpoints, or one way doors to catch falling people.
    3. And to ask how to set up game mode objectives (completely unrelated you may think, but I have no way of "winning" at the end like a territory)
  2. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    make check points defenitely or people will fail, fall off and either never try again or get really angry lol,
    also make a sneaky secret teleporter so people who know about it can reach the top easily and laugh at people trying to get up.

    p.s. if you dont know how to make a checkpoint make it the race gametype and make respawn points in sync with the hill markers
    (Spawn sequence number the same, and make the respawn points under the label "Race_Spawn" oh and not spawn at start)
  3. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I disagree with the secret teleporter mentioned above. That only serves to frustrate other players and detracts from the actual value of the game i.e. getting to the top.
  4. Procles

    Procles Forerunner

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    Game mode wise, you could quite easily set it up as a slayer match where suicides net you -1 points, then put a timer on it. Whoever makes it up within 5min in the least tries wins.

    I haven't played around w/ the race type, however, and there's probably a more effective way to do it by using that.

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