
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shadow8P, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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    My name is Shadow8P, and this is the first competitive map I've ever made. I got bored earlier, and made the hell out of it. Considering, I think I did a pretty good job, so I'm sharing it here :).

    Again, this is the first time I've posted a map on here, so I'm sorry if my links and embedded pictures don't work right away.


    Relegation is a perfectly symmetrical Team Slayer map, which is currently set up for Team Slayer, and Multi-Flag CTF. The map features two large bases, an indoor connector, an open middle area, a sniper tower, and an open bottom area (half submerged in water). When I say perfectly symmetrical, I mean I spent the time figuring out exactly which coordondates were needed to make the map perfectly symmetrical. Both sides are the exact same.


    Rocket Launcher x1
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Shotgun x1
    DMR x6
    Plasma Grenades x2



    Rocket Spawn

    Sniper Spawn

    Shotgun Spawn

    Top Middle

    #1 Shadow8P, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  2. a furry unicorn

    a furry unicorn Forerunner

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    i like it, heres my advice, first off in the 2nd pic, if you were playing that map odds are you wouldnt see the rockets. So since your determined to have that water which i feel is a nice addition, Put the rockets fixed, so that there floating right ontop of the water, literally just look like thier floating on top.

    in the last pic, keep the walkways as they are walkways should be open, however the middle platform i recommend, a medium hieght structure, that is a little wider then your spartan for cover. dont add anymore then 1 medium size stucture to that middle in the last picture, if you do it will be overcrowded and make the area to "safe". but atm it screams bag me.
  3. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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    For part one, I'm not sure if you can do that with weapons, but I'll try it out.

    As for part 2, there is a medium sized structure in the middle... :S
  4. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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    Sorry for bumping my own map, but it's hard to get feedback when my only feedback is from someone who hasn't played it and gives me useless advice on things I either can't do, or already did.
  5. Happpy

    Happpy Forerunner

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    You can Make Weapons Fixed
  6. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    Making Weapons Fixed or Phased is not a good idea. They sit in the air when you switch them out, instead of falling to the ground, and nobody can pick them up again. If you kill somebody who then dropped a 'fixed' weapon, you wouldn't be able to take it, and you'd run into it. They block your path D=
  7. iFurness

    iFurness Forerunner

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    Looking forward to a few games of swat on this map, only thing I'd say is that the "medium" sized structure in the middle is a little bit too small to be used effectively as cover...

    And btw, I have played the map.
  8. Szorvex Co

    Szorvex Co Ancient
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    Just have rockets on a block, sandbox style. Or leaning on edge, ascension style. Or put them on the main platform, as incentive. Theres no way i'd walk across it on a swat game!

    Also, the cover is useless against the sniper nest, seeing as it's side-on.
  9. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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    Ugh, people need to start playing maps first.

    I'm not going to make rockets fixed because it messes up weapon swaps.

    The cover in the middle isn't supposed to help you control the middle, it's supposed to help you get across it. The incentive for going top-mid is speed, as in CTF games. There is also a drop down to Rockets, which is easily the fastest way to get there.

    The middle is open, yes. That is the point. You don't want to go that way, unless you have a reason, (speed, weapon). The intent is for you to want to choose an alternate route (underneath, library, or sniper tower), but should you want to risk yourself, the middle is always an option.

    People are way to critical on the smallest details of maps. Yes the cover is small, that is the point. Yes it is useless against the snipers nest, that is the point.

    As for swat games, I don't play Swat, I play games with shields and DMR spawns, if I wanted to play Swat, I'd throw in my CoD disc, so I'm sorry if the cover is too small for your swat needs, but I'd rather have a map that plays well with shields than without.

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