Halo:Reach Issues/Dissapointments

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Halo:Reach is great, and by great I mean tons of replay value. Something that MW2 didn't have. However, there are some dissapointments. For starters; Campaign. Im not gonna spoil the ending, but it is very corny.
    Plus the ENTIRE campaign was all based on the Multiplayer Levels.
    But the main issue is the A.I. Sure its improved but sometimes the elites or grunts just became mental. Standing in one position isn't challenging. And don't get me started on the Brutes. The campaign was never a dull moment though. All missions are very interesting in their own way. I love Tip of the Spear, Nightfall and Pillar of Autumn. The best missions in the campaign. Some missions are annoying as hell though. I'm gonna move on though. However, Im gonna say I wish it was longer not 6 hours.

    Multiplayer is the main meal and I see why. But Bungie totally F**ked up Sword Base. These quote "Better Fixes/Changes" are horriable. Why the hell is there a Noob Tube on Sword Base? The Sniper was fine. Also the Plasma Launcher has been removed too. I can understand why there but why are all the weapons so close to each other. For instance, The Shotgun and Concussion Rifle. But besides Sword Base the only other map I have issues with is of course Zealot. You know the one with the Gravity Field. Thats the only thing I have against it. Bungie must of thought it was awesome. But what they didn't realize was it was the best camping spot ever. Which is bad in my case. FIX IT DAMN IT.

    Forge, Well I don't have anything on it besides map wise. Countdown, Zealot, Sword Base. I want to forge on them, But they don't give it the full treatment like Rat's Nest or Standoff. There were walls and boxes damn it. No Maps besides ForgeWorld have walls, boxes or anything to make with.

    Theatre.... 1 Player only! F**k that. Add more!

    That pretty much sums it up. I will keep playing Reach. I love it, but there are some dissapointments. Well Im off to Finish my Campaign on Forgeworld. See-ya.
  2. Aquatic

    Aquatic Forerunner

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    The multiplayer maps are based on the Campaign, not the other way around.

  3. KaneQuicktail

    KaneQuicktail Forerunner

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    I've got a few disappointments with Reach. First off is you can't duel wield weapons, but I can live with how powerful they are. I just miss it is all.

    Second is the Falcon, I love it, it's freaking great. But it only seats three players (including pilot). There's four seats in the passenger compartment, why not utilize them? It would make CTF/Assault more interesting (it could make it too easy, but I've played games where the opposite team just walks right in and walks right out). Or make a transport Falcon that has no MGs and can transport at least four players (5 is the max that it can)

    That's really all I have against the game, other than that, it's great.
  4. BegForCake

    BegForCake Forerunner

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    I seriously agree with this. they should at least put a soft kill zone on the top of that tower. I was playing a game yesterday and the entire team was on top of that tower, waiting for everyone who went up that grav lift. Got me really pissed and almost threw my xbox through the window.
  5. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    If you're getting that upset, just leave the game or don't go up there. Leaving one game has no real impact on anything, and just make sure you don't vote for it. Nbd.
  6. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Why does everyone always compare a game to Modern Warfare 2? People treat it likes it's the work of the Devil.

    What's corny about the ending. If you put it in a spoiler it's not a problem.


    I'm sure Bungie had a fair reason to change the weapon set on Sword Base. I'm sure the felt it was for the better.

    There is actually an easy way to stop those pesky campers.
    Step 1. Don't go up there if you know that they're there.

    Explained in a previous post.
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I'm quite sure I was in a falcon in a game of invasion with a data core before with two guys covering me with mini turrets.

    My only solemn disappointment in reach is sword base and invasion slayer. Both those are for the birds.
  8. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I know the MP maps were based off Campaign, but it was stupidly obvious when they threw Reflection into the story. It didn't fit at all.

    Also, did anybody notice how loads of places looked like potential Firefight / MP areas? I spy lazy DLC...
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    My only disappointment is the lengths some children will go to get more cR, armors, and higher ranks.
  10. Sakori

    Sakori Forerunner

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    Now that I have heart attack, nothing could dissapoint me ever again.

    If I had to choose though, I miss the flamethrower </3
  11. Doomsdale

    Doomsdale Ancient
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    Campaign: At times seemed repetitive. Eg, take position and defend. The overall story I did not get into much, nor cared about the characters. Not enough depth in them. Almost glad to see them die. Didn't understand Noble 6's ending choice, though I will admit the ending was sick. For some reason, my game freaked out during the ending cinematic and heard no music.

    Multiplayer: Choices for the set up of various maps are, to me, questionable. CTF on Boneyard seemed REALLY odd to me. The overall armor customization seemed worse than Halo 3's. I say this because the designs are too complex and makes certain pieces indistinguishable from others in game. Compared to Halo 3, one could visibly notice without difficulty the armor pieces on some one. In Reach, the only real noticeable piece is the helmet and maybe the chest. (Seriously, who cares about what wrist armor you have?) Even bigger was the lack of Elite customization. I nearly cried like a baby when I found only several variations.

    Forge: Mostly nit-picky things. Making switches will be a change from Halo 3 in that geometry has changed. I miss the portable grav lift. Also, why only 50 item limits for walls? 2 x 2 flat blocks just look out of place at times and are not the exact size. For that matter, no 2 x 4 flat blocks. Occasional glitches with certain objects (Custom Power up, I'm looking at you).

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