Flag spawning difficulties

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CANADI14N, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. CANADI14N

    CANADI14N Forerunner

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    Hi guys,

    I have looked everywhere and I was not able to find a fix for this as of yet. I am trying to make a 1 neutral flag ctf game in forge world. I've seen all the posts about what is required for a ctf map and I've made sure I have it all. I have 2 flag scoring plates, each set to a color, red or blue, and to ctf_return or whatever it is. I have 1 flag stand, set to ctf and game specific, though I've tried it without the game specific setting. I have respawn points form both teams, some set to ctf_res_zone and some set to ctf_res_zone_away.

    When I try to play the map in a custom game, it will load and let me play, but the flag wont spawn. I can't for the life of me figure out why. I even made sure I had 2 people, one on each team but still no flag. Any ideas or suggestion? Thanks in advance.
  2. Neo Arkitect

    Neo Arkitect Forerunner

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    set the central flag stand to flag_return and make sure the team setting is neutral. That should do the trick.
  3. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    I think it's to do with spawn sequences, exept I don't know what sequence you need.
  4. CANAD14N

    CANAD14N Forerunner

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    Thanks for the replies. I finally got the flag to spawn. Apparently the flag needs to be labeled ctf_flag_return and not CTF like I originally thought. My problem now is that even though I have the flag, it won't let me score. So I have the to scoring plates or whatever they are called and I have them labeled ctf (not sure if that is right). One is red team and the other is blue team. Should they be game specific? Any other suggestions that might make them work? Thanks.
  5. Zeraphil

    Zeraphil Forerunner

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    No, label them CTF return and set them to a team (blue, red) in the options panel.

    Labeling CTF only means that the object will be present in a CTF gametype . i.e. If you want a wall to be present during CTF around the flag, but not during deathmatch when your map is used.
  6. CANAD14N

    CANAD14N Forerunner

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    Ah ok, it works now. Thanks a lot. Also, does anyone know if there is a way to make more than one neutral flag spawn? I made another flag stand with the same attributes as the first but now the second stand spawns a flag and the first doesn't. Other than that everything seems to work.

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