I have a photography class this year, and we usually take pictures and fiddle around in photoshop to get them to look better, but this assignment I desided to use one of my drawings and just photoshop in colors, I think I did a good job. The final product will have a mark twain quote and the word "youth" on it because the assignment is for a motivational poster, which I think this captures the essence of youth, but I may be wrong so CnC Also, final product will be about 4+ times larger and printed. EDIT: changed shading on a few parts, looks a little better.
try doing some of the lighting manually rather than through gradient overlays. Take a soft px brush of a larger size and brush where you want shading, then clip it to what you want it to shade.
Thank you XD I figured that much, I actually only used the gradients because I was pressed for time in class, but I will fix it up tomorrow and add an updated picture I think, some of the gradients I will keep though.