Download "A foundation containing a mysterious artifact now hosts a bloody conflict over its power." This is a map loosely inspired by Foundation from Halo 2. It keeps the square, symmetrical layout of the original, a central lower level (with a sword), and turret positions. Everything else is obviously updated. The catwalk is accessible via grav lifts at either end and holds a rocket launcher in the middle. Weapons list: 1 Rocket launcher, low respawn/ammo, center of catwalk 1 sniper, low ammo, one end of catwalk 1 energy rifle (covenant sniper thing), other end of catwalk 1 sword, low respawn, center of bottom level 4 DMR, around first level 2 needlers, first level (at the top of the stairs, where the pistol used to be 2 shotguns, first level 2 spikers, ground level under turrets 2 assault rifles, ground floor 2 health packs, ground floor near artifact
looks very nice, i wish you could of had more Pictures. and you do need to add the download thing ( just edit it) i would love to test it
Looks really nice. Reminds me vaguely of Warlock/Wizard even though it's a Foundation shootoff. Would be nice if you had a weapons list though. 4/5
PS, does anyone know how I can fix this post to 1) display a thumb nail and 2) have the map info at the top like all the others? I filled in all the info at the time of writing it... it's just not there. Maybe I should just repost the whole thing?
Has anyone had a chance to play this at all? Or if someone does want to test it out, I'd love to play GT: Profesormeowmer
I can see people downloading this, but there isn't really any feedback. Has anyone played it? Any comments or criticisms?
I like the rock feature in the middle, but it is possible to crouch next to the man cannons and get totally stuck. Other than that, the layout design is very good and removing the spawn rooms makes it quite a different map to Foundation. About the spawns, they're the let down of this map. First of all, nearly all spawn points are facing walls. Spawn points should give you a good idea of where you are and allow you to run forward for a few seconds before hitting something. Secondly, theres not very many! I generally work to have a minimum of 32 spawn points, depending on the map's size of course. (Take a look under the ship in Boneyard, theres a pile of spawn points there for various gametypes!) Also, I think small man cannons might be better than those grav lifts to help the flow of the map. Grav lifts launch the player straight up, I think you should have a smooth lift using the man cannons.
Thanks a lot for the feedback. About the spawn points, I think you're right. I'll add more and make sure they're in a direction where your position is more obvious. I kinda know about the stuck issue next to the rock, which is why it's as low at it is (it used to be higher and you'd get sucked under the rock all the time). It seems to me that man cannons would rocket you way higher than you need to be to land on the catwalk, exposing you to fire for a substantial amount of time. You also can't really angle the beam, since there's just a narrow space for you to pop through and up onto the ledge. Anyways, when I get time I'll try to look at that map and figure out some better spawn points. If anyone has any suggestions for better ones, that'd be good too