Okay, so: I was forging, and I placed some sexy coliseum walls. These were PERFECT. I wanted to merge something into them, so long story short I said "Place at start: False" with a respawn time of never. Therefore, they are gone and I can't put them back with run time minimums. Is there any other way I can get them back?
Just set the run-time minimum for that object to the highest possible value you can and they will appear. Then set it so that they do spawn at start. And why are you using phasing? That makes merging not require stuff like that.
You could always spawn a new Flacon, then go to "Advanced Options" and click "Delete All of These", then put in a new one. If that is what you were asking.
I don't have confidence that any of you read this through. I tried using run-time minimums. I'm not dumb to the point that I don't know about phasing, I just needed the bridges to be at the same height so I made supports for them to press against, so I needed the other bridges to disappear for a little bit. I may have made them "spawn sequence: 1" but I'll have to delete all of them if that isn't the case. Thanks for the thoughts, though.
You could use the delete all option. Why would you set anything to spawn after start when you can used phased physics anyways.
Because I couldn't line it up with the height of another thing that was at a non-uniform height. Christ.
Calm down dude. Not everyone knows exactly what your thinking from your posts. And your not exactly being to clear about what your problem is and what you are attempting to do. So there really is no need to get all hyped up about it. People are just trying to help.
Also, if you put the coliseum walls on their side, and try to use them as floor, maybe its just me, but they become tilted...as in halo 3...
-_- I worked it out by deleting them all and starting again. The moral of the story is: if you create something, make it have 'place at start: no' and 'respawn time: never', you're not getting it back. Thanks, though.
Sometimes things don't line up perfectly on the coordinate system (really wish there was 1/100 accuracy), and can be annoying, I'm assuming thats why he didn't use them