Quoted via CVG News. Bobby Kodick pretty much said that all Indie Devs are ****.. WHAT ABOUT NOTCH (Minecraft Dev)!? Is he bad cause he actually CARES about his community!?
that is kind of BS because all devs will start out as indie devs. in my experience indie devs will work harder to try and get there name out there.
Naughty Dog, Epic, Insomniac, Valve. Five insanely skilled, independent developers named off the top of my head. EDIT: I'm an idiot and can't count. Four.
Technically, Valve is their owned by their publisher... Themselves. But honestly, just don't listen to a thing Kotick says. He's an idiot that only cares about money.
Bobby Kotick refuels his jets by doing wrongs in the universe, and why you would care what a businessman says in a press release stymies me. Bungie is special. Bungie is special because they have had one amazing IP under their belt and managed to remain indepedant, because they hate being "managed". Microsoft sucks. Microsoft sucks, Activision #1! Activision #1! Billions of people suckle at my Warcraft nipples. Bungie needs us, because everyone sucks but Activision."
I don't get it, he's calling Bungie "indie" because there actually independent? Oh and everyone already knows kotick is a huge ****** since blizz and acti merged
Who is bobby kotick and why should I waste my time listening to him? I looked up the name bobby kotick. Why should I waste my time listening to him?
He's the CEO of Activision, which is the largest and most successful 3rd party publisher in gaming. While some people say that Kotick says more dumb **** in a single day than most people could handle in a lifetime and that we shouldn't care, I beg to differ. I think when one of the most influential men in the game industry talks about and implements stupid ideas, it's up to every gamer to speak out against it and raise awareness.
Goddamnit, bobby kotick just stole my crown as king of the trolls. scarecrow, nice job traslating that, I'm not really fluent in bullshit yet.
Look at Ska Studios... That is operated by 2 people... And they made the amazing Dishwasher games AND I M4D3 A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB13S 1N 1T!!1!!!111