LOL Guess what i've been playing in reach? Lol well, as this has fallen to the bottom of Reach forge abyss... i'll let you in on a little secret. It's a bomberman variant, or was... It's called BombaSpartan. Each player starts with the grenade launcher and evade. There are mines placed on the ground so watch where you're walking. You also can't jump, so learning to predict an enemy strafe is just as key as perfecting you're own unpredictable strafe!!! There's a few twists than standard Bomberman. Obviously, to create map flow, I changed the gametype to Territories. These territories earn you the points to win. For each territory you hold, you earn +1/sec. Hold all 5, you're getting +5/sec. You also only get 10 lives. Run out of lives and it's upto your team mate to secure the remaining territories. Just to make things harder, as the round progresses, if everyone isn't dead after 1m30s, Kill balls enter the equation. These killballs also aren't just your usual "oh look, a killball, let's walk around it" they're the "OMFGWTFTHATKILLBALLISROLLINGFUCKINGTOWARDSME" kinda kill balls so look out!
Lol... No... that would be telling. All I can tell you is, I filled my pants with what I could only describe as EPIC sauce earlier... Oh and that it's a mini game It still needs tweaking, so what you see here isn't definate, but at least it intrigued you slightly. VICTORY!!!!
This is borderline on spam. I have barely any idea what's going on in the pictures and you provided absolutely no description of what you're playing. Could you please tell us what you're playing/making?