Jupiter Jazz is the first map I am making in Halo Reach. It uses a concept that I do not think anyone else knows about. Jupiter Jazz is essentially an arena in the upper box that revolves entirely around this mechanic. Players spawn just above a giant teleporter (covers the entire main area of the map) that takes them into one of the three lifts to the low gravity arena. There are mancannons situated around this arena to take them back down to the ground and across the map. Players fly around the map, one the ceiling, in mid air, running around on the ground, mancannoning from one side to another, constantly fed back in through the lifts. Let's Jam! Swords. Assassinations Only. Spoiler Random Weapons. Spoiler
The entire playable outside (lowered gravity, in space, above the giant shield door) area of the map is open to play on. If you enter the actual map, you are teleported back outside.
Sotha... This is not a minigame... I am dissapoint. How dare you make your first map in Reach an arena!? Make a decent minigame map before we all suffocate from the neverending bumper cars maps. Please? Edit: Cool idea though. =P
I have finished the preliminary outfitting of Jupiter Jazz to play the gametypes: Headhunter, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Stockpile, and Territories. Now testing.... lol sorry. If it makes you happy, I have started work on a new Get Lightbulbs.