VIRULENT 2.1 By RTN SuiXide After testing the original map, I came to the conclusion that vehicle based maps are not my strong point, so I re-engineered the map to be an evenly divided, multi-level, asymmetrical map built to be good for CTF, Territories, King of the Hill, and of course, Slayer of all kinds for smaller teams. Keep in mind that this new version is still in testing. Any feedback is GREATLY appreciated and will be used to make improvements to the map as soon as I can get around to it. NEW Screenshot showing the flair for the 'outside' area.
That's a side effect of the Juicy FX and the red light inside the base. If I could have made the one inside blue base blue, I would have.
Made a few quick fixes to the map. Changes are outlined in the original post. Can you believe I forgot healthpacks?