So before I say anything else I would like to mention that due the terrain and the lack of sufficient rocks to alter it to be more Valhalla like I scratched my original idea of a close 1:1 remake. How ever with that said I still plan to retain alot of the key structures with in valhalla though slightly altered mostly placement/distance/shape. I call it Valflawla, since its a flawed remake of valhalla. I'll post some screen shots and what the actual area is. The cave near the water fall with three entrances, I do not like the forgeworld cave. Its to long. What was once a beautiful water fall has began to dry up. (It explains why the river is gone yet the ground still has some water) The wall returns. The two rock structures that surround it also visible. Spartan on the new hill. (use of built in cave visible in background...i wish I had more rocks) A rock structure also replaces pelican. All similar to the original now for the actual base... top structure subject to change. soft kill zone only surrounding the top structure to prevent the Banshee drop on the top section. Especially since jetpack would mean it would be used more. Thats what I got so far, needs some touch ups mostly on the hill and a couple other things. If anyone has any advice regarding structures or additions alterations to the original valhalla please comment.
This looks like a very good remake of Valhalla. I didn't think it would be possible anywhere in Forge World, but I may be proven wrong. It doesn't span the entire canyon, does it? I think the canyon would be a little too big for Valhalla. A better look at the center hill would be nice.
It probably will use the the entire canyon but the bases wont be that far from each other. In other words there will be alot of empty terrain between the waterfall and the other base which I have yet to make. I thought for sure one of the last images I attached was the hill. Sorry about that and as I stated it does need some touch ups.
Ya, this looks really cool. Those bases you built look perfect. I honestly can't believe someone is making a remake of Valhalla! lol. I didn't think such a landscape based map like that could be re-done, but you're proving me wrong.
Thanks for the replys guys. Honestly I'm not sure I even have enough piece for the second base, money wise I'm fine but limit wise I'm not so sure I'll know more Once I start it. I do how ever think I have enough just to make it. As for testability I think I'll have something slayer pro ready by the end of the week. I placed a red orb in the tower but didn't color the objects because I can't remember which side is red/blue and my halo 3 and odst are to damaged to check. : / If someone could remind me that would be great.
I think the base under the waterfall is blue base but this is based only off red vs blue: recreation, so I might be wrong.
Finished copying the the other base will probably edit both of them a bit more. tweaked some areas including the hill, and original pelican spawn which is now similar to a wall like the other side and set up killzones, does anyone know where I can get one of those weapon placement guides? I though bungie had them but I can't find them,
Still haven't found the original valhalla weapon palcement so I'm going on memory. At the moment I'm using Plasma nade launchers for antiviechle in place of the missile pod. I would prefer grenade launcher but that doesnt have lock on, and rockets would be to strong. Snipers/shotguns/turret return to near original spot. Currently thinking of replacing BR with NR but may end up using DMR. I'm also thinking of using onmap abilities in place of equipment but using Armor lock in place of Powerdrain feels like over kill. I know that Bubble will replace bubble. I will probaly finish all minor ashthetics today camp,fusion coils, ect. And start setting up a spawn system not sure wether to use original spawning or change it a tad to compensate for map size diffrence. With that said projected testable map at the end of the week may actually be sometime tommorow night or thursday. I would like to test Team slayer and CTF most likley 6v6. Any other game type suggestions? Edit: Sorry about the double post I thought it Auto-merged.
Damn another idea I had done. Though honestly I think it's a good thing, given it's taken a week to do one map, to try and do the hundred or so i have planned I'd be here for years. nice with the waterfall.
This looks pretty damn good. My only request, would it be possible for you to replace the laser with a rocket launcher? The laser was wayyy too overpowered in H3, and combined with the fact that snipers now kill banshees more efficiently than every other weapon in the game, banshees would stand little chance of survival with both lasers and snipers on the field.
Hmm thats actually not a bad idea I'd like to keep the lazer for nostaliga but repalcing it with the rocket may compensate for the lack of missle pod.
im sorry but is it just me that disagrees about this i totally think the lazer should stay but do whatever u feels best either way imma have a blast when this map comes out
I hope you do but after having a test run with some friends just now a 3v3, it feels strange the hill is the major issue at the moment due to the jaggedness of the rocks the two layers of the hill are completely different to navigate. I really do wish I had more rocks. Finished spawning...will need's tweaking since banshees really do annihilate. (Currently have default spawning time once I fix that It may balance out) Bringing back wraiths a good or bad idea?
The base looks pretty awesome, but i really don't think that the terrain will do anything to help you. You could try and make a similar map that offers similar distancing and mechanics, but go at it with a completly different Look and style, as long as it generally played and flowed the same.
I may do that after I finish this attempt. I remade the hill completly twice in one sitting the first time it used colisium walls but I really wanted to retain a natrual feel so I went back to rocks and grass it's still a tad jagged but much smoother and it looks more like it than before. I changed the cave entrance style for the red cave again its changed three times the last time it was a colisium wall which looked decent but leveled it out to much so the hump that replaces pelican wasnt really doing its job. I moved the blue cave back a tad to compensate for lack of side structure near water fall. Most weapon and veichle placement is in the same general location I have yet to include wraiths still not sure wether I should. The weapons are not neatly placed at the moment and spawning objective wise I've only set up slayer. I may set up Flag today. Will be testing today if I can get at least 8 players 12 or 16 would be optimal. Send a friend request to A reklats and I'll add all reqesters to the lobby. Testing will be between 6-7 Central and/or 9-11 central. Current Load outs include AR start Magnum Sprint AR start Magnum Evade Will test that first followed by NR starts or a AR/NR choice each with Evade or sprint. There is also A drop shield placed on the map replacing bubble shield. Some one may suggest thats a bad idea since unlike the bubble shield the drop shield can be used multiple times but I think the fact that it can be taken out with damage unlike the bubble shield makes up for that especially since once you die its gone from the map until it spawns again. Short read: Updated map blah blah blah testing tonight. Send a friend request to A reklats if intrested.