This map is an infection map, which leaves players running for their lives. It was made by me, sB Legend with the aid of pilotguy97. Humans spawn half-way on the hill with shotguns and pistols. They choose their path to survive. I recommend having at least 5-16 players. Enjoy.
You need to give a better, more in-depth description, and more pictures. Try to give people an idea to how the map plays, with some action shots to go with it. Without these things, people will likely just pass on the map. Now, from what I can see, the structure looks cool, but really doesn't fit an zombie theme. Make it feel more run down, with multiple little nooks and crannies for humans to try and bunker down in, but make sure they are not too safe. Other than that I just want to say welcome to forgehub, and happy forging.