
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Garanaw, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    The name is not the best, but you could call it Tug-of-War. Oh wait, that exists already. Maybe Neutral Flag? Oh wait, that also exists already. Maybe Grab-Flag? Flag-Grab? Whatever you want.

    Note: When you give me feedback, please comment about the idea, and don't focus too much on the map, because you could use pretty much any arena for this minigame.

    This minigame is pretty much just a concept - but a good one in my opinion. With a few minor changes, you could actually play it in any symetrical arena with any Stockpile game options. But I've also created an arena specificly for this gametype (which is just an example), and I will probably create more. The game options can be changed in any way you want, as long as it's Stockpile.

    So, I call it Tug-of-Flag. The concept is very simple. It's kind of a mix between Grifball and Stockpile. And Tug-of-War, of course.

    Two halves. Blue team on one side. Red team on the other. Blue team's goal is covering the blue half. Red team's goal is covering the red half. One flag in the middle.

    Goal: Bring the flag to your half of the arena, and keep it there. If the flag is on your half when the timer goes down to 0, you score a point and the flag resets.




    Feedback please. :)
    #1 Garanaw, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  2. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    Thanks for the comment. I could change the name, I guess, but that isn't really feedback about the game itself. Got any better ideas? I put quite a lot of time into it (about 5 hours), especially considering that it's a concept that anyone could use in any arena with any gametype. And, It has got quite much aesthetics, I just didn't want to add TOO much because that would just look bad. I wanted it to be kinda simple. Like Grifball.
    #2 Garanaw, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2010
  3. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    So, do you get points for every second you have the flag in your half, or do you have to hold it there until the timer goes down, then you score and the flag resets?
  4. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    You have to hold it there. It's Stockpile, except that your goal is stretching over half of the arena, and there's only one flag.

    Edit: Or well, you could use any options you like, as long as it's Stockpile.
    #4 Garanaw, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  5. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Pretty awesome idea there. I'm downloading it now and can't wait to try it out. Aesthetically I think it looks quite good, and not too overwhelmingly complicated. Simple, but effective.
  6. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    Very unique concept. Ive been waiting for someone to release something thats actually inventive.

    One problem. witha default stockpile variant, I noticed that there's alot of dead time, where the game pratically turns into an unscored slayer match. Its pointless to run into the enemies half unless the clock is relativly low.

    Its a very fine line. I could argue that the arena is too small, but I could also argue that its too big. Too small of an arena just turns to a cluster **** no stratagie envolved map, but on theother had too big just means that you can throw the flag in the back of your base and never lose.

    Good concept, though, and keep forging. Most creative map of reach on this site ;)
  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    There don't appear to be any gameplay pics. Have you even played this yet? Are you sure it's fun?
  8. iFurness

    iFurness Forerunner

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    I like the concept, plus the map is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. A few friends and a bottle of energy drink should make this quite an interesting addition to my custom-game sessions. Definitely the most creative idea in the reach section as-of yet. Not too sure that the halves should meet up straight away? The map could benefit from a little no-mans land.

    All in all great effort!


    (P.S) How about Grab-Flag as the name giving the people complaining about Tug Flag?
  9. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    Ooh, finally some real feedback. :)
    Thanks! That's exactly what I thought when I made the aesthetics; not too overwhelmingly complicated.

    Thank you very much! As I said, you could create this gametype on any map (preferably symetrical), by just adding one flag (or more) in the middle, and then when you create the goals, you just make them cover half of the map. It's very easy to do, so if you'd like to have a wider map, or a longer map, you could do that without spending very much time on it.

    About the dead time - really? I don't think so ... it's always better to have the flag on your own side, because that way it's more difficult for the other team to score a point. It might take some time to bring the flag all the way back, so it's always better to use that time. The further away the flag is from your own spawn, the harder it will be for your team to bring it back. A balanced game is when the flag never reaches all the way to one team's spawn. So you want to use the time to tug the flag over the line to your side (hence the name "Tug-of-Flag").

    And maybe a bigger arena would be a good way to avoid possible dead time.

    Thanks for the comment! Nope, I've only tried playing on my own to make sure that it works. I don't really have many people to play it with. I guess I could ask my brother, and I've got a few xbox live friends, but I haven't been able to try it yet. I'm hoping that I'll be able to try it later this week, but I wanted to share the idea here anyway ...

    Thanks! I think that it would be nice with no-mans land in the middle, but it would be quite different compared to this. This way it's less like real Stockpile, and more like Tug-of-War ... more like a whole new gametype/minigame. I've got many reasons why I think it's better this way, it's just difficult to explain.
    #9 Garanaw, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  10. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    A name kills the map for you? Hmmm, interesting. Also, the aesthetics are lovely. I like how he did the windows and mixed the structures with the environment. The gametype also seems really fun! 5/5
  11. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    perhaps if you made "flag capture" areas that spanned the entire arena in which each area as you move the flag farther gives more points
  12. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    That's not even possible ... but moving the flag farther is still much better, since it makes it more difficult for the other team to bring the flag back to their own side.
  13. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I tested this today and I was pretty impressed. I liked the simplicity of it. 4 flags spawn before they are captured so there really isn't any dead time. However, I think a gametype should be made that actually supports this nicely - most importantly, veried, balanced loadouts. Right now it's just five armor abilities with AR's. 3 balanced loadouts would work well.
  14. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Wow, this is so original, I can see this type of game being almost as popular as grifball. Just as an aesthetic, maybe add upside-down tin cups around the scoring areas?
  15. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    Oh wow, thanks! With this much positive feedback, I've decided that I want to make a version 2. This time I'll put much more time and thought into it, and I'll use all of your feedback. AND, I'll create a gametype for it, AND I will test the map and gametype before I post it.

    Edit: And with a better name.
    #15 Garanaw, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  16. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    I made the neutral zone as small as possible, but version 2 will have some no-mans-land.
  17. Mabolsa Ritchie

    Mabolsa Ritchie Ancient
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    This is a very nice concept. Yes the arguement about keeping the flag at the back of the room is all well and fair but you need to get the flag first and besides thats the whole idea of the game. What you have here is very nice, but should be experimented with slight changes. Some things i would consider would be perhaps;

    Specific weapon type - Guns, Rockets, Hammers, Swords, Golf Clubs
    Armour abilities - Allowed abilities, No abilities, Restricted abilities.
    Health and sheilds - Normal stats, No shields, increased/decreased stats for flag carrier.

    Defining some of these for the game should make it more intresting to play. Otherwise it could quickly become stockpile in a small room. I wouldnt worry about the name, its your game your baby 'Tug o Flag' is fine.

    Edit- sorry if i covered whats already been said didnt notice the second page.
    #17 Mabolsa Ritchie, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  18. winster99

    winster99 Ancient
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    okay that sounds good because when i played the flow was great and i will definatly play it again but the bit in the middle just wasnt big enough for the 3 v 3 that i was playing
  19. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Bumped. So many decent maps are being pushed down the forums.

    This is a fun map. Not extremely complex, but so many good things are simple.
    Compliments on the map post itself, it's better than many other forgers.

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