Interstate By Purpledinosaur0 and S0T Emo Sk8ter This is Interstate. This is the first ever Reach terrain racetrack. This is also where the first 16 man race ever happened. This track is a pretty big deal. I must say that Reach does a very good job in where Halo 3 was lacking, connection. Reach looks and drives wonderful even when put under the most stressful conditions. Thank god. My, was it beautiful to see such a sight. You may think I'm overdoing it, but I'm not. It was awesome. Take a look. Youtube Video - Halo: Reach - 16 Man Racing
I noticed in the vid 2 mongooses (mongeese??) fell off the track but there was no sign of a kill volume. You want people to die if they fall off so they can respawn on the track.