D Day

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Ski, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Ski

    Ski Forerunner

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    I know there's probably a million of these already but here's my whack at a somewhat balanced D-Day map and gametype. I'm not awesome at forge, and I wasn't alone in my attempt to make this, but I think my plucky team of upstarts did an awesome job trying to honor the memory of some of the bravest men in history.

    Below is a link to the video of the map for those of you with bungie pro. If you don't have that you can view it on my fileshare.
    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    List of Features this map includes:
    Debris field on beach leading up to a massive wall with several plasma turrets on it
    Assault Team spawns in small camp on paradisio with several warthogs and a few rooms, The camp even has DMR's stacked with stacking hooks for aesthetics.
    Defense team has an overlooking bunker with teleporter from spawn for coordinating indirect fire support.
    Indirect Fire support is provided by a team of boxed in wraiths which are tilted on platforms so they can fire over the tunnel
    Bomb goal point inside tunnel between paradisio and blood gulch.

    List of features for Gametype:
    No shields
    No armor abilities except for Medic class with drop shield
    Bomb carrier can drive/gun in warthog

    List of Loadouts for Gametype:
    Medic: AR, 2xFrag, Drop Shield
    Ranger: AR, Shotgun, 2xFrag, Sprint
    Marksman: DMR, Sprint
    Demolitions: AR, 4xFrags
    #1 Ski, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
  2. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    Honestly, there have been at least three other d-day maps and its not even been a week, and the forging is very slopy to say the least. Though, you're heart was in the right place, try touching it up more and makin thing staighter, also, the covenant were at d-day so the shade turret look really out of place, its also very small. Try to make it as good as you can before posting it next

    good luck! and happy forging
  3. Ski

    Ski Forerunner

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    We tried using warthogs as boats but people just kept assaulting the side of the fort instead of the front. lol.

    And as for the covie's not being at D-Day, this is a true statement. However for reasons of balance I'd rather not have people walking around with machine gun turrets. So the shades were, in my humble opinion, a better option.
  4. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, even though it's honorable. It's been done before. And it's been done before BETTER. One thing you need is angle lock or whatever it's called. Also make it more realistic like turrets, instead of 24th century technology. First impressions are key.

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