It urks me. It will get better the more used to it I get, but I think I will always like it how it used to be. The AR is nearly useless with this change, the quick blast-n-whack was great but now you have to either gun em until you see their shield pop while they're smacking you in the face or go for the double beat... irks me
Have you ever played Halo: 2 or Halo: CE or Halo: ODST? Halo: 3 is the only game that doesnt have that feature, and it was added because it creates another dimension into the gameplay and focuses play more on skill because it takes a headshot to fastest. I personally love the return to fame.
Technically Halo 3 has the same system, it just is not visible. If you have low shields and full health in H3 you can survive a grenade, but if you had low shields low health you would die from a grenade.
Actually it doesn't. In 3 if someone's shields were down to like 33% a melee would kill them. In Reach, if you have 1% shield left, a melee will do no damage to health, it will just deplete that remaining 1% shield life. I will agree that Halo 3 had a health system in it, but it's nothing like the health system in Reach.
I actually like it much better this way. Halo 3's melee was way too powerful IMO. This way, you actually have to control your melee and decide when to use it.
with halo 3's system, noobs could just be running around with the AR and spamming until they're close enough to you to beat you down, it was really overpowered, thank god for change
honestly I like it more. When my shields are down I have a tiny moment to get cover/health before I am completely dead. Give it time. When you can, use drop shield as much as possible.
Even so, Halo 3 health regen'd on its own with no need of a health pack. That differentiates it from Reach.
Grr. We argued about this on MLG,, and HBO. No-bleed is idiotic, and is exclusive to Reach, it was designed specifically to make the "AR Rush" ineffective, which is the idiotic part(If the AR/Melee combo is broken, don't nerf the one that effects everything else). CE, H2, and H3(And presumably ODST, though without solid multiplayer and weak weapons it is difficult to test, it was built on the H3 engine though so it would be safe to assume) all used the same health system, except with H3/2 your health regen'd every 15 seconds. This new system just rewards inattentive players, if I get first shot on you, and get another shot off and you sprint through the bullets then with the melee we are even in the eyes of the game without you ever shoot. It is, unarguably, retarded. I thought I was done playing "Halo:Tekken Evolved" when the BxR/BxB died, I guess not(Unrelated; movement based melees would fix the whole of the problem)
I don't really notice it. Even if I did notice it, it's not like it bothers me. f anything, consider it an advantage.