make sure that you download the custom gametype, which is mlg team slayer it is by far the best way to enjoy this map. Name: Ingrown v2 Gametypes:Mlg Team Slayer 1.0 Recommended Players: 4 vs 4, 2 vs 2, or 1 vs 1 mlg team slayer. Map Description: Ingrown is a symetrical map with 4 bases, with a giant kind of crane thing connected to the middle, and all 4 sides of the map. In between each base is a tunnel that goes through part of the structure. Very fast gameplay. also theres 2 teleporters. Updates in v2: -Most important i fixed spawns so spawns are alot better. -Added 4 way tunnel underneath middle, with rocket spawn. -Added 4 tunnels, 1 in between each base. -On oppisite sides of middle tunnel, added new type of cover both creative, intresting looking and useful. -Put 4 health packs, 1 inside each outside tunnel. -Put 2 dmrs in 2 tunnels, put 2 needle rifles in the other 2 tunnels. -Added ramps to each base. Overview: One of 4 side tunnels: Mid tunnel & Rocket spawn: New cover 1 on both sides: Red Base: Purple Base: Yellow Base: Blue Base: 2nd of 4 side tunnels: 3rd of 4 side tunnels: Another look at mid: 4th out of 4 side tunnels: 1st of 2 teleporters: 2nd of 2 teleporters:
i downloaded this last night, and the mlg team slayer gametype you put, and played it with 8 of my friends 4 vs 4 mlg team slayer. Honestly I give this map a 10/10 the structures are all custom made, creative, and the gameplay was very fast.
Ah this looks much better now. Cover has been significantly increased but doesn't overdo it. The tunnels are a nice touch and a new unique way to play MLG. You also added a rocket launcher to demote camping and to promote flow around the map, good job on that! The ramps and health packs are helpful and do not destroy the gameplay too much. I really like the way this map is going but there are still some problems. First, there aren't enough power weapons. Even though you added the rocket, people are not going to go to the other sides of the map because there is nothing there to get. Also, the teleporters should not be there in an MLG map. But, progress; I like to see it. The potential shows through the flaws and I can't wait to see a v3 if you make it.
thx for your feedback, and trust me the gameplay is fine im not making a v3, because i am very pleased with my current result, im going to start another map soon. btw I LOVE THE TELEPORTERS, THEY MAKE FOR GREAT ESCAPES, I PUT ABOUT 9 ROUTES TO EVERYWHERE. ALSO TELEPORTERS ARE IN MLG, THINK WARLOCK, ONE OF MOST LIKED MAPS MIGHT I ADD
For the future, only post V2s of maps in a different thread if there is significant differences. Otherwise just simply edit the V1 with the edit feature at the bottom right of your posts.
Really cool and simple map. I enjoy it a lot playing 1v1 with a friend. It provides fast paced action with almost never a stand-still moment. I would recommend for anyone who enjoys intense 1v1 action. I know it does support 4v4 as well but I haven't had the chance to try it (I'm sure it would be crazy fun). Also, with the current MLG Team Slayer v2.0 up and running, it still plays well (if not, even better with the inclusion of sprint). I would like to add that I think the simplicity of it is what makes it stand out from other maps. I don't think it needs anymore weapons and power-ups. It turns out to be great for warm-ups using straight up DMR action. Rocket is plenty-enough a power weapon for this map anyway (my friend and I preferred using just DMR for 1v1). Most original I've seen for awhile, nice job.