Map created by: Atomic Bacon, Atomic Flapjack, and RtG Spuriusrex. Anchorage is the old nautical term for a suitable place for a ship to anchor or an Area of a port or harbor. This invasion map has the Elites, rush the shore of an island fortress, destroy the defending team's generator, then steal the base's power core to fuel their own ship. Once the beach is captured, a landing craft carrying a bomb is sent to the shore. The elites need to carry that bomb to the shield door generator outpost and destroy the generator. The destruction of the generator causes the protective shield door to drop, giving the attacking players access to the core room and the core itself. The destruction of the generator also causes the shield door protecting the back entrance of the base to fall. Screenshots: Spoiler Attacker's Ship: Defender's Base: Objective 1 - Take control of the beach cave: Objective 2 - Destroy the Shield Generator: Objective 3 - Capture the power core: Front of ship: Side of ship: Rear of ship: Ship Interior: Ship Armory: Shore prior to capture of the beach cave: Shore after capture of the beach cave: Base rear entrance: Base Spawn Area: Base interior after destruction of generator: Base sniper tower: Landing craft that appears after the beach is captured: Destroying the generator Capturing the core
It looks amazing! Very nice aesthetic touches. I'm downloading and will try it out in customs and let you know how it goes!!!