Mad Constructor 2.0 on The Advanced Industry This is a map made by me GT: ITS GOOGLE. The gametype is edited by GT: GOP Cookie. This gametype idea game from the creators of "Ghostbusters", its played exactly the same way. Rulez: 1. You have to attack the humans, NO HIDING OR BOOT 2. This is obvious, if the infected is not playing, kill him 3. Lastly, be sure to have fun and look out for my next map coming soon. They are invisible, but don't move too much or you will be seen. Here is the map: Pictures:
What exactly is the plot. It's mad constructor, but it has nothing to do with constructors. Are the construction workers going crazy seeing ghosts? Maybe you should name it Haunted Industry? Or Haunted Dig site?
Yeah the name did not matter to me so I just randomly came out with something, sorry for the misconception of my map name.