Archaic "An unkown power source still resides within this ancient construct. It's purpose remains as mysterious as those who created it." Introduction: I originally had no plans for creating any in depth forge map, I was only giving it a test a run to get more comfortable with the way it operates in Reach. However, after building a few pieces here and there I said to myself, "I actually can give this map potential". Then came Archaic, an 18 hour project. Both bases are 100% symmetrical with an even layout of items throughout the map to keep all forms of competitive game play equal and fair. As the map generally fits the size of a good double team run up it's equally competitive with a 4v4 layout. Specific spawn area's have been set for specific game types, all power weapons are equally distributed within the map so both teams have an equal advantage to obtain them, and all re-spawn locations are specifically set up so you won't spawn in the open 24/7 and complain about getting spawn killed. You'll notice on this map that at all times there is almost always a place to take cover, rarely will you find yourself out of luck unless you're specifically standing in the open. Anyway, that's enough talk. Let's get to the goods. Weapons/Power-ups: 15x Plasma Grenades 15x Frag Grenades 12x DMR 12x Needler Rifle 8x Assault Rifle 6x Magnum 4x Plasma Rifle 4x Plasma Repeater 4x Plasma Pistol 2x Needler 2x Spiker 1x Grenade Launcher 1x Shotgun 1x Concussion Rifle 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper 1x Overshield Screenshots:
From the pictures it is hard for me to tell how this map will play, but it is cleanly forged and looks interesting. It should be good for some fast paced flag and ball action.
I have already played various game-types on the map, and I did realize that even though the size is relatively small; the action is non-stop with a 4v4 competitive game-type. Multi-Flag CTF was challenging and fast, it made all of us think quickly upon spawning or we'd surely lose. It's definitely not a map for the feint hearted.