This game mode is meant to emulate Team Fortress 2, it's popular capture the flag mode specifically. Name: Team Fortress Mode: Capture the Flag Maps: Any CTF Ready Map URL: Rules Changes: -Score limit: 3 -A Flag can not be actively returned, bur rather will return only if the enemy has not touched it for 60 seconds. -Enemy flags may be captured even if your own flag is not in your base. -Flag carrier speed is not reduced. -Versions of all of TF2's classes. These are divided amongst the Spartan and Elite loadouts in order to provide a 1:1 class ratio. -Each class has a primary and secondary weapon, as well as either equipment or, in the case of "Demolitions," "Sharpshooter," and "Firebase," 4x of each grenade type. - All players have infinite ammo, but must reload. Scout: Equipment: Sprint -No weapon, equipment, or powerup pickups on maps. -Turrets, including vehicle based ones, remain both active and destructible. -Players respawn in 10 second waves. -No motion tracking.Class Breakdowns Scout Type: Spartan Primary Weapon: Shotgun Secondary Weapon: Magnum Equipment: Sprint Grenades: None Corpsman (aka Soldier) Type: Spartan Primary Weapon: Rocket Launcher Secondary Weapon: Shotgun Equipment: Jetpack (Simulates ability to rocket jump w/o committing suicide) Grenades: None Demolitions (aka Demo Man) Type: Spartan Primary Weapon: Grenade Launcher Secondary Weapon: Concussion Rifle Equipment: None Grenades: 4x Each Sharpshooter (aka Sniper) Type: Spartan Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon: Spiker Equipment: None Grenades: 4x Each Infiltrator (aka Spy) Type: Spartan Primary Weapon: Magnum Secondary Weapon: Energy Sword (Considered Plasma Pistol, but shutting down equipment is less important w/o an engineer and he needs a melee buff) Equipment: Active Camo Grenades: None Medic Type: Elite Primary Weapon: Plasma Rifle Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Equipment: Drop Shield Grenades: None Juggernaut (aka Heavy) Type: Elite Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle Secondary Weapon: Shotgun Equipment: Armor Lock Grenades: None Operator (aka Engineer) Type: Elite Primary Weapon: Shotgun Secondary Weapon: Magnum Equipment: Hologram (thanks to the new handy dandy hologram generator!) Grenades: None Firebase (aka Pyro) Type: Elite Primary Weapon: Needler Secondary Weapon: Shotgun Equipment: None Grenades: 4x Each ________________________________________ In accordance with the rules, here's a link to a thread on the bungie forums on the topic. So, thoughts?
sounds cool..... ummmmm you should give us the layout for each class loadout. EX. Medic Primary: Secondary: Grenades: Ability: Sadly you cant really get the settings to come close to TF2 so im not gonna download this. Reasons why 1. There can only be 5 classes, were in TF2 theres 9 i think 2. You cant give player traits through loadouts, so the Heavy will run as fast as the Scout which is stupid. If you could somehow find a way around those 2 things then i will download also you should try to emulate the other TF2 gametypes, Territories and 1 sided territories or whatever were you have to push the cart along the rails towards their base.
wow i didnt even see that lol why the hell did you turn them off? that makes no since................
Headshots? Well, it's not something you really do in TF2. At best a Sniper can put his sights on you for a few seconds, THEN hit the head for a 1 shot. He's the only class that can do that though. I didn't want "heavies" running around headshotting guys. Didn't seem accurate or to support the reliant classes. That being said, you can't make it 1:1. The "Spy" isn't the only one who can pull off assassinations, for example. So, I'll update it w headshots turned back on. Class descriptions incoming
the game type sounds really cool but i think you should even out all the classes tho like scout spawns with a shotgun and magnum and solider spawns with rockets and shot gun. I mean id rather go with solider rather than scout cause its better. Im just suggesting to remove secondaries if the primary is a way stronger weapon.
this looks like it would be an interesting tf2 remake, but wouldn't your combination of rockets and unlimited ammo be somewhat overpowering over other classes?
Not being able to assign traits with loadouts is what has really cramped my creativity too. This would be awesome if you could get it work right, but you can't. And that's not your fault, it's just the lack of settings to make it work.
I've never personally played TF2, so excuse me for asking whether it was always this unbalanced or not. I believe the reason this gametype has so many obvious unbalances is that you had too much of an "omg I need to get the specific details correct" mindset when making this map. The result is a game that's completely unbalanced and broken. When trying to make a port of a classic game to Halo, never focus on the little details. You'll only end up screwing yourself over since the game won't be tailored to fit with Halo's playstyle, and thus won't actually bring over the feel and playstyle of whatever it is you were trying to port. Let me give you an example: Spoiler Back in Halo 3, people were obsessed with making Left 4 Dead ports on sandbox. Throughout the creation of their maps/gametypes, people focused more on the shallow outer details of what each zombie type did. They completely forgot about balance. They completely forgot about what each class was supposed to be doing, and focused more on what each class looked like it was doing. Here's a more specific example. Anyone who's played Left 4 Dead knows the Hunter. He's the undead bastard who can leap right at you and claw out your vital organs. What people usually took from that is "Ok, so he hard 2 see + he got supr jump!!!". They usually just gave him Camo and a Grav Lift on spawn. What those same people didn't realize was that the Hunter was hard to see due to player intelligence. You could usually hide behind corners/around boxes as the Hunter and surprise players due to your personal ability to set ambushes, not because you were invisible. The end result was that players no longer needed skill to set up ambushes. They could now just run up the Humans, invisible, and get a few hits on them for free. Another thing is the Grav Lift. It sounds like something that could give you "supr jump", but it can only propel you upwards, a direction that is completely pointless to go in since you already spawn on rooftops as a zombie. The end result was an unbalanced, broken game that really felt nothing like Left 4 Dead, even though it may have looked like it.
I like the idea of using a Needler as a Flamethrower. Very clever... I'm gonna add Needlers to all my Infection Maps nao. Anyways... Since Soldier has a Rocket Launcher, i think it's better if you sustitute it by another one. And Scout should have Magnum and Golf Club.