Gannons Tower

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by MrSir, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. MrSir

    MrSir Ancient

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    Yah i accidentally posted this in the halo 3 section so i just moved it to the reach section

    Hey there forgehub this is my first map created with the new forge. I was making a tower and since there was so much budget i decided to make it as tall as possible. I named it gannons tower simply because i love the zelda series and i wanted to honor it. It is an astetic map but if you changed around the spawns and got rid of the falcon it might play out alright competitively....might

    Alright here are some pics

    Heres an overview of the map

    The path to the tower

    The basement of the tower

    The deck on the tower

    Every floor has a different weapon (exept i think there are 2 dmr's)[​IMG]

    Every third floor has a power weapon and an armor ability (except jetpack, couldnt fit it)

    This is the top of the tower. it has a falcon and a sniper [​IMG]

    Finaly a secret area i put in
    Since i couldnt fit in the jetpack at the tower i put it here along with a golf club, a health pack, and a custom power up

    Okay thats all heres the Download and i hope you enjoy!
    #1 MrSir, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
  2. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is so kick-butt! It is a near PERFECT recreation of Ganon's Tower. 5/5

    This is the Wind Waker version, correct?
  3. kaosminett

    kaosminett Forerunner

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    The top should have a spawn for a juggernaut, in my opinion that would be sweet
    or have one player spawn outside the tower as a juggernaut and have him make his way through the tower attempting to defeat an enemy on every level
    #3 kaosminett, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2010
  4. SamuraiChameleon

    Senior Member

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    Lol, do you even know what you're talking about? The guy said it's just a really tall tower that he named after Gannon from the Zelda series.
  5. KaptinAweoms

    KaptinAweoms Forerunner

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    The funny thing is that this is a perfect recreation of te Gannons tower from the windwaker. Even though the creator may not have known he was making it haha. btw this ap is awesome.

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