Operation Eisenhower on D-day

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by shadowlordxx, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    Ladies and gentlemen of the forging community, I present to you my very first forge hub map post. I have been working on this map nearly everyday since reach was released to ensure that it was the best it could be before posting it here. This is a storm the beach D-day style map using the new invasion game mechanics.
    I enjoy giving things a story, so to start off… here is the back story for those interested!
    The covenant have taken control of a powerful forerunner installation.
    the installation utilizes a powerful plasma based cannon capable of taking down orbiting ships in little time.
    with covenant cruisers dominating the air and this weapon to aid them, low space orbit has become impossible. Our only hope to discover the rest of this installation’s secrets is to bring down that cannon. Dr Halsey has requested that we do not damage the installation in any way. However, that transmission was never put on record. Therefore, such a request was never made… your job is to destroy the cannons powerful generator at all costs.
    Operation Eisenhower will go as follows. Utilizing newly designed drop pods you will be shot into the nearby ocean from a ship orbiting a nearby planet. The drop pods will deploy into advanced fast moving under sea crafts that will approach the beach by the cannon.
    as you approach the crafts will begin to surface
    they will then beach and the aft of the boat will blast off and a newly developed shield door created from recovered covenant technology will deploy as cover. Similar boats have already hit and deployed barriers to aid your assault.
    You should now refer to your missions objectives.
    Next up is your Mission as a Spartan!
    First you must charge forward to a control panel that must be hacked to gain access to the interior of the installation.
    once you have broken in you will need to proceed down a long hallway that is sure to be one hell of a fight scene.
    by this point the covenant are sure to have locked down the next area you must access, so you will need to hack another control panel. This one will be difficult as it is in the middle of their forces. On the upside, their lack of pre-securing this control panel, it will be easier to hack.
    once hacked you will need to find the bomb waiting for you back in the ship and bring it to the generator room beneath the canon. The first section will be a flight of stairs that will lead to a long glass hallway. At the end is the entrance to the caves beneath the canon. Once there the generator is impossible miss, plant the bomb and evacuate the facility.
    good luck Spartans, we will see you when you’re finished. And don’t worry about Dr. Halsey, we will handle her.
    Elite objective is simple:
    Defend the generator from the assault of these demons! The great journey must not be stayed!
    Here are some general shots of the map and spawns.
    The base from the outside.
    Spartan initial spawn
    Elite initial spawn
    Elite sword class removed for obvious reasons…
    Next up we have the game type info
    Game type: Invasion  Operation Eisenhower
    Phase 1 capture time: 30 sec
    Phase 1 Duration: 2 min

    Phase 2 capture time: 15 sec
    Phase 2 duration: 10 min

    Phase 3 plant time: 20 sec
    Phase 3 duration: 10 min

    Spartan Loadouts:
    Tier 1

    -Drop Shield
    -Assault Rifle
    Tier 2
    Recon (same as tier 1)

    -Armor Lock
    -Grenade Launcher


    Medic (same as Tier 1)
    Tier 3
    -Drop Shield


    Saboteur (same as grenadier from tier 2)

    Sentry (same as infiltrator from tier 2)

    Spec ops
    -Active Camo

    Elite Loadouts:
    Tier 1
    -Needle rifle
    -Plasma pistol

    -Plasma repeater
    -plasma pistol

    -Active Camo
    Tier 2
    -Plasma Repeater
    -Plasma Pistol

    Dark Assassin
    -Active camo
    -Needle Rifle

    Royal Zealot
    -Concussion Rifle
    -Plasma pistol
    Tier 3
    -Active Camo
    -Plasma repeater


    -Concussion rifle
    -plasma repeater

    -Plasma Repeater

    -Drop Shield

    Everything else is the same except bomb carrier is slowed but has tiny bit more shields

    Now that all of the important stuff is out of the way, action shots!
    be sure to check your rear view mirrors…
    I will send you to your god of choice…

    And now for the special thanks!
    All the people from my dorm who helped in the testing of this map.
    My roommate for just sitting their watching me forge. Great moral support Sean!
    And of course forge hub for giving me a place to post this creation!
    On a final note I would just like to say that the screen shots do not do this map justice. I used every bit of budget I had and there was still more I wanted to do for the aesthetics. I implore you to download, snoop around and then give me plenty of feedback!

    Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy my creation!
    #1 shadowlordxx, Sep 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  2. Jaymz

    Jaymz Forerunner

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    This map I just want to start by saying is amazing. The aesthetics are amazing, the idea behind and story kept me drawn in and I really had the game drawn out in my mind. Looking for someone people to play this with as it looks quite fun!
  3. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Forerunner

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    Cant wait to play this, invasion is the next big thing. I love the backstory and the aesthetics such as that structure on the cliff with the killball. It just looks a little to chaotic. Idk though since i havent played it yet.
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the aesthetics and overall look of the map. Looks very well forged and worthy to be posted at ForgeHub unlike most of the maps posted already.

    The one major issue I have is bottlenecking. If you notice on Bungie Invasion maps, the first and second objectives always have multiple paths to approach them. The fact you made phase 2 and 3 both 10 minutes each only verifies my fear about this map. If that tunnel is the only way to reach the objective, a great team of elites can end the game right there. I also feel that 20+ minutes for a game is just a tad long.

    I know you said you used up the budget, but in the future you should make two routes to the 2nd objective to divide the defenders up and move the game along. 10 minutes of mostly camping down a tunnel is not my idea of fun.
  5. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    Thank you for the feed back, im glad you guys like the aesthetics! thats where most of my bidget went. i also forgot to mention that the cannon will appear to be firing every once in awhile.

    you raise a very good point. this was the reason the spartans have a grenadier class and although the hallway is claustrophobic and hectic it is one of the most intense phases and it was a lot of fun while testing. if you dont like the close quarters of it then you probably wouldnt enjoy playing the map since the third phase isnt much different. something i have been considering though is putting periodic shield doors down the hall way. and also, the games do last awhile, all of our games lasted around 30 minutes, but it was still a lot of fun.
  6. Sam

    Sam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that for every objective, there should be at least two paths. I played the game, and I feel that the last part of the game/map needs another path to the objective instead of just that one teleporter route.
  7. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    i have been considering having an alternate route through a cave system, its just i need to figure out what to delete to get the budget. i have $0 left :p
  8. FredMiester44

    FredMiester44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have DL'ed at this looks sweet, I love that tower on the left side of the base. This makes me want to make my own invasion map, I think i will.
  9. Sam

    Sam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I forgot to mention this, but there is one huge problem with this map. The defenders can make it out of the building and onto the beach during the first phase and prevent the attackers from capturing that territory. When I was playing as an attacker, the entire team of elites came out of the bunker when we were very close to capturing the first territory, and because this was close to the end of the round's time limit, we could not win. So I would recommend somehow preventing the defenders from exiting their own base.
  10. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    i considered this but i found that section to actually be very easy for the spartans even with the elites all out there. the spartans would always just spam the medic class and have it done in no time. but i can look into changing that
  11. Flo Rida25

    Flo Rida25 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy Bajesus this is awesome :D
  12. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    alright everyone, i am currently working on version 2 of this, the things that you will see in it are:
    -first objective elites cant get out too but will have more firepower to defend with
    -third objective will have a second path you can take that goes through a "Cave system" to the generator room.
    -generator room got revamped aesthetics, like a computer console
    -second objective may have a second access point, still under debate because the hallway battle is my friends and i's favorite part.

    if you guys have any more changes you would advise then let me know!
  13. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    oh and does anyone know how to edit the details of the original post? not the stuff i typed but the links at the start and the image that appears in the thumbnail? i cant seem to figure it out....

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