Mixed racing (including foot race)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kadren, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Kadren

    Kadren Forerunner

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    apologies if this topic is already posted elsewhere.

    I am trying desperately to create a huge race in forge world that will utilize a bit of everything the forge has to offer.

    the main feature i want to include is forcing players to do parts of the race on foot, then warthog, then mongoose, jetpack, banshee, yadda yadda.

    the race is so big that i feel it necessary to set up check points for the purpose of re-spawning without loosing too much ground that you have already covered (as opposed to having to start at the begging or in a random spawn point when you die)

    the problem I am having is that both RACE and RALLY game types force a dang vehicle under your A** if you try to run or when you re-spawn

    anyone have a solution to this problem?
  2. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could count the seconds in how long it takes before forcing you in a vehicle then make little foot race things based on that amount of time. Idk

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