Hello Everyone, this is my first map that i have uploaded, but not the first map i made. This is my Quiditch Game that takes place in the Pocket of Forgeworld It is a 3-3 6-6 or 8-8 Game that is very simple Fly up and grab the ball (Quaffle) and Score points. sorry theres no Bludgers or Golden Snitch this is a very fun map to play with friends, Thanks and have fun Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=1370516&player=Ze UberMinge Map: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=1370379&player=Ze UberMinge
I moved it. You might want to update the information about the map, since you have categories you can fill in now.
The only problem is that it's very easily broken. I would suggest making some walls and a roof. Unless of course you used safe barriers (not sure about the proper term, I'm waiting for this map posting frenzy to die down a bit before I check out forge). Otherwise it seems like a pretty cool idea, but as great as it is, it could use a little more "spice". Since I haven't done much forge I have no idea what that would be. Perhaps two central mancannons with a fusion coil between them (set to about 100 second respawn), and each team's back wall is lined with fusion coils. That way, if the other team is about to score and you are lucky enough to be in the middle, you can still stop them. I'm not sure, that might not be the kind of theme (for lack of a better word) that you want your map to give off. As a little observation, it seems like grifball with jetpacks.
Can an Admin Shut down this Thread, i know that you moved (thanks). i just dont want to threads with the same stuff on it